Arrhythmia - side effect of radiotherapy?

  • 6 replies
  • 319 subscribers


I have been having some episodes of arrhythmia since finishing treatment (tamoxifen/mastectomy with diep/chemotherapy/radiotherapy) last September. I am on letrozole now.
Echocardiogram was normal, bp is normal, hr is sometimes as high as 130 at rest and irregular. Currently waiting for result of 7 day ecg, during that 7 day period I only had one very brief episode of palpitations (how annoying!). 

Wondered whether anyone has had similar heart symptoms following treatment and whether there is anything else I should be doing or asking for. Dr Google would seem to suggest that untreated arrhythmia can have sinister outcomes…

I am 54, slim, reasonably active and eat a balanced diet.

My GP is great but doesn’t seem to have any answers.

thank you for reading

  • Hi  

    I had palpitations while having chemotherapy and, after mentioning this to the chemo nurse, they hooked me up for an ECG before the next chemo. The results were okay for me to continue with chemo. 

    When I'd finished all treatment and mentioned that I was getting episodes of palpitations to my oncologist he said it wouldn't have been the treatment I'd had causing the palpitations and they almost immediately stopped and I haven't had them again!

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  • On the information leaflet my breast cancer nurse gave me about letrozole, it lists arrhythmia/palpitations as a possible side effect.

  • Hi white lilac

    Thanks for your reply. I had a call earlier from my gp with the seven day ecg results. I have ectopic beats, apparently. Going for a blood test tomorrow. I just want to know that I’m not about to keel over. Thoroughly fed up of the one thing after another that is this joyous journey. Had a bit of a meltdown earlier. 

  • Hi latchbrook

    im glad they stopped and you were able to continue your treatment. I had a couple of trips to a&e for heart symptoms whilst in chemo and they said nothing was wrong with my heart. Now a year on and lots of radiotherapy later, it seems there may well be. Blood test tomorrow, hopefully that may tell me more. Hope you are doing ok x

  • Meltdowns totally acceptable! Glad they’re investigating. I have heart failure so avidly researching about any potential heart issues that may arise. I had my pre op and appointment with anaesthetist yesterday to check all ok for surgery next Monday. Got the green light. Have some concerns with the Letrozole they want to prescribe, I need to discuss with the oncologist. As you say it’s one thing after another! Take care. 

  • Letrazole can cause arrythmia in some cases.  I have an existing heart condition and was prescribed letrozole which made it a lot worse.  Unfortunately my nurse rubbished my concerns and said that I had a heart problem anyway.  I gave up letrazole against all advice.  However, I am not advising you to give up letrazole.  I had an existing problem which was already serious, however, it made it worse.  On the down side, my second mammogram since my lumpectomy has shown microcalcifications and I have had a biopsy and am now waiting for the results.  More scared of what my daughter will do to me if it is cancerous than the results!!