Letrozole side effects

  • 2 replies
  • 317 subscribers


I have been diagnosed with breast cancer and after a mastectomy and chemo I was told I’ll be on Letrozole. I have just recently started (beginning of July) and I was wondering if anyone else has been getting terrible stomach cramps. I take my Letrozole in the morning after right after lunch I start getting terrible belly cramps. After a few hours it disappears and it returns again right after lunch the following day. Has anyone experienced this and will this get better? I saw that this is a possible side effect but I am hoping this is just temporary.

Thank you Relaxed

  • Hi, I don't have many side effects from the letrozole to be fair,  but I do take mine just before bed. I started it this way in the hope that sleep would help any impact.

    Some people do seem to be impacted by different brands, so maybe this is something to consider. Best wishes

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you so much Irishgirl16, I was already suggested by a nurse to take a different medication to Letrozole but I’d rather not make any changes. I will indeed change from AM to PM, if not, I’ll ask for a different brand name.

    Your advice has been very helpful x