What to expect

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  • 317 subscribers

I found a lump 12th April got sent to breast clinic had scan and mammogram lump was fine but they found calfications (already had biosopy done in the August after my 1st mammogram all was ok ok n different calfications same breast) so the doctor said she wanted to check them so I had 1st  lot biosopy waited for results they couldn't tell so had a vae biosopy done waited again went to see doctor for results he said still not sure but think it might be dcis so I had my pr op last Saturday a megseed put in Monday and having a wide local excision next Tuesday anyone else had this thank you xx

  • Hello  Scouse4 ,

    First sorry you find yourself here - the place none of us wanted to be, but its one of the best places to be whilst going thought this, the help and support here is incredible - never worry about asking any questions most of the time someone here will have either been through similar or have an idea.

    I have a 'wide local excision' also called a 'lumpectomy' (I don't think there is anything different between the two - one describes the type of excision a wide excision - the other describes that its taking a 'lump out').

    Briefly, I had a wide local excision followed by/during operation I had internal radiotherapy (thats a different story - my treatment is called "TAGIT IORT" - required radiotherapy following operation so I opted to go private and have the radiotherapy at the same time.  This is now available on the NHS but not easily offered - and there are criteria's to meet.

    You haven't mentioned radiotherapy - so I'll just stay with the wide local excision.

    I have never had a 'big operation' or stayed in hospital before this.........

    I was scared, very scared and found this website where I was comforted with all the help and information the others on here gave to me.   

    Now then (a lot is a blur now, but the basic's are still there) .....

    Before the operation I had various tests, the stainless steel clip (think you called it a messed) was inserted to show 'where' the lump is.  The day before I had the dye inserted that shows where the 'sentinel node' is (this is part of the lymph gland I think).

    At the time of the operation I had the 'wide local excision/lumpectomy' - for me this was cut about 3"/4" in length where the lump was taken from.  I had 'internal stitches' with 'butterfly' stitches on the outside (these are like thin white plasters).  This had a dressing on top - which was to stay on for a week (I think).

    I then had the sentinel node/lymph node removed, this was done at the same time however due to location this was a separate tiny 1" in cut on my chest just under my arm.  (depending on local sometimes they can do both operations from the same entry point).

    They ask you to take a 'front fastening bra' with you - its not a major thing - the reason they like this is so that after operation when they come to check on you, if they need to look it is far easier to open bra from front than to get you to lean forward and undo the back (they put your bra on you whilst in theatre - so your all covered up and supported).

    Then dependant on how you are feeling you will be allowed home the same day or if operation was late in the afternoon they 'might' get you to stay the night.

    When you go home ask whoever is bringing you home to bring a 'bed pillow' in for you - as this is a great comfort to place in between you and the seat belt - makes you feel more comfortable.

    I will be honest - I expect so much pain ...... hardly had any pain (none from the operation site)!!

    The most painful part was where the sentinel node was taken from and this WASN'T it was a strange 'sore/like stinging sensation' that came and went - when it came it was as I say 'sore/stinging' and as I got to the point where I thought I'll have to take something - it would go ...... this only lasted (on and off, not all the time) for a day or two.

    Without sounding bad I did feel a bit of a fraud - I have even said if all operations are like this I would of had so much surgery haha face lift, tummy tucks - I have the confidence to do this - but with how this operation went I was just amazed.

    I have seen other ladies say the same - so it's not just me!!

    Try had to focus on what you are achieving - this was all that was in my mind that I just wanted this operation to get rid of 'it' - it is weird as there was no nerves for me about the operation - I just wanted it done ..... all the rest was a bonus.

    If you find it hard to sleep I will add a link to the AWAKE thread - we all tend to pop in and out of there at all hours of the day and night.  Feel free to drop in - ask any questions etc - just don't feel alone or afraid .... we are here for you.

    I hope the above helps and more so makes sense xx


    I'm hoping this makes sense - only my mind says one thing and my fingers type whatever they like x
  • Thank you for answering me xx they did say if it came back dcis I would need radiotherapy and a maybe a tablet for 5 years xx they haven't mentioned any node removels xx I have been looking at the front fastening bra no one as told me anything really only that I will be off work for a mth to recover xxx oh and if I don't get clear margins they might have to go back in xx my boob is still very tender from the biosopy when I had my mammogram Monday before they put the megseed in they said I had healed as well as I should still badly bruised inside I did have a bad bleed after vae biosopy xx mine is calfications xx and thank you again and I hope u r doing ok xxx

  • You will need time off work - not because of pain, I believe it so you don't 'knock' yourself or strain yourself etc.  From the outside you see a fine line for healing - you have to remember there is a lot of healing going on inside and this is why you need to rest and be careful.

    The worst/hardest part is the first week or so (not pain wise) just trying to do things - like one handed washing your hair or bath etc (all these things can wait or are manageable with time).

    Yes, if the surgeon doesn't get clear margins they will have to repeat the operation.  The problem is, the surgeons don't like to take 'more' in case of (can't think of right word) .... in case person having operation moans about how much as been taken away and tries to sue (not sure if they could) - hence they take the minim amount whilst trying to get it all. ......

    The last words I said to my surgeon before my operation was 'you can take as much as you need, please try to get clear margins' (I don't know if it helped or not - thankfully, I was blessed with clear margins).

    I am on the tablet it can be for 5 or 10 years - it helps to reduce the amount of oestrogen in the body - oestrogen can feed 'it' - so the more that is taken out of the body the less chance of reoccurrence.

    I'm off to bed now - look at the AWAKE thread and any questions - just ask xxx

    Night Night xxx

    I'm hoping this makes sense - only my mind says one thing and my fingers type whatever they like x