What to expect - having a wide local excision on Tuesday

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  • 317 subscribers

I found a lump 12th April got sent to breast clinic had scan and mammogram lump was fine but they found calfications (already had biosopy done in the August after my 1st mammogram all was ok ok n different calfications same breast) so the doctor said she wanted to check them so I had 1st  lot biosopy waited for results they couldn't tell so had a vae biosopy done waited again went to see doctor for results he said still not sure but think it might be dcis so I had my pr op last Saturday a megseed put in Monday and having a wide local excision next Tuesday anyone else had this thank you xx

  • Hi, yes I had this surgery and I was in and out in the same day.  The main thing was to take care of the recovery, to do the exercises and avoid getting an infection.  There was some pain after surgery, but it was manageable and I was up and about again in a few days.  Best wishes 

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  • Thank you Blush I wasn't given any exercises to do but I have seen some so going to do them.the breast care nurse phoned me yesterday to check on me and told me I can't do any house work or that for four weeks and will get my results in 4 to 6 weeks xx pp sin isn't do bad but taking my  painkillers regularly as told .xx

  • I hope it went well and not too painful. My nurse said it was very important to do the exercises, they gave me a leaflet, so might be worth asking about this. Hope you recovery is quick, best wishes

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