Cancer has spread

  • 4 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Hi. 4 weeks ago I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. A CT scan then indicated other suspicious areas. So I then had a PET scan and my first oncology appointment was yesterday. The cancer is also on an adrenal gland and in my spine. I am no longer going to have the breast surgery I was expecting. It will be chemotherapy and managing the cancer as it's no longer curable. I'm devastated. I'd love to hear some positive stories from anyone on here with stage 4 breast cancer.....

Love to all xxxx

  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to read of your diagnosis and the news of it's progression. I have not had the same type of cancer as you but I have Stage 4 womb cancer. Please read my profile by clicking on my username. My cancer was found to have became metastatic 4 months after diagnosis. I remember being devastated as I remember saying - of all things I don't want to be incurable. But there it was, I didn't get to choose. Although it was terrible news there was also an end point to bad news after bad news as now I knew the facts of why my pain was so bad and the news, in my mind, couldn't get any worse.

    The good news of this story is that my cancer has been stable since the end of treatment, which is nearly 2 years ago. I am grateful that I can walk without pain. My life has been changed by cancer though. I am now medically retired as I don't have the same stamina and strength.

    It may be a bit soon for you but have a think about joining this forum

     Living with incurable cancer forum - patients only 

    You will find a lot of strength and support from the group and an understanding that only others in the same situation can have. It may be worth asking about counselling as it definitely helped me. Your specialist nurse can refer you. I also had sessions by Psychiatry in a local hospital. I was referred by the chemo nurses. It takes a long time to process the news so be gentle with yourself. Very best wishes for your treatment.

    A x

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  • Hi A

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share with me. I'm sorry for what you've been through and so pleased to hear that it's now stable. 

    I will check out the forum; it sounds very supportive.

    • Hugs xx
  • Sorry to hear that you have Stage 4 breast cancer Gotthistogether.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment

    Best wishes


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