Calling all walkers / hikers! After mastectomy and complete lymph node clearance and dreaded arrival lymphedema, is there a rucksack designed to hep

  • 2 replies
  • 318 subscribers


I am a very keen walker -- in fact , I love it-- serious hikes in hill and dale an d moor  (of up to 25 miles. pre surgery/chemo/ radiotherapy and lymphedema; I am currently reduced to ca 9 miles)....

Has anyone heard of or managed to adapt rucksacks to suit lymphedema- ie to avoid shoulder strap -- at least on ONE shoulder that aggravates the swelling and pain?

Please let me know your tips and advice.

i see there is a rucksack designed in Barcelona which looks great... (can't cut and paste the relevant link in this format!!, sorry)

But thanks to Brexit, it is not available in this benighted country.

Grateful for any advice.

  • Hi  , I can’t recommend a rucksack but wondered if you’ve contacted the Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN)? They might have some suggestions. Also, re the lympheodema…. I’m assuming yours is in your arm, as a result of lymph node removal? Mine is in my treated breast and is probably a side effect from my radiotherapy. It was recommended to me by the lympheodema nurse, that I take up Nordic walking - it improved things a lot and I’m still doing it 5 years later! I don’t know if it might help with arm lympheodema and obviously I’m not medical, but could be worth asking? 
    Even with just lymph node sampling, I wasn’t comfortable wearing a rucksack for many months. I use a bum bag when I’m Nordic walking and it holds a small water bottle. But wouldn’t be enough for a 25 mile walk! I love walking, it’s my sanity saver, but I’m not quite at your level. 
    Hope you get some helpful replies here and maybe from the LSN. Love and hugs, HFxx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi I have had the same problem and found rucksack strap and seatbelt cushions on amazon.... quite a few options.  Still finding it difficult and couldn't find any rucksack I could wear without this. Hope this helps?

    I am also trying nordic walking and it's fun!