Private Health insurance changing providers

  • 3 replies
  • 320 subscribers


I appreciate this is a bit of a long shot but here goes…

I am retiring at the end of July (yay) however this means I lose my private healthcare insurance (boo) I have just had a quote from BUPA to switch to a personal policy that came out at £11,337 (ouch). Does anyone know of any companies that will maintain continuing cover at a slightly more realistic sum. I expected it to be expensive but not that expensive. My bc was 2 years ago and I am now on annual checkups. My consultant is out of my nhs trust area and I really want to stay with him.

As a follow up question - would you pay the premium if you had the money for peace of mind or take your chances on the nhs

Thanks in advance


  • I just had my treatment through BUPA , op through to radiotherapy, including scans annd oncology appointments and it didn’t cost as much as the quoted annual premium ! 
    My consultant was the one that diagnosed me on NHS . 

  • That’s interesting to know as I am also considering self funding. Thank you

  • I lost private health insurance when I retired as I didn’t want to take up what seemed like a very expensive quote (this was long before BC). I happily paid privately for a hip replacement to reduce waiting time and get the surgeon I wanted. i have found the NHS excellent for breast care and based on the list prices of some of the treatments I have had, would not be wanting to do that pay as I go.