Surgery done, awaiting reuslts

  • 1 reply
  • 315 subscribers

Hey all. Finally had my surgery on Tuesday, almost 8 weeks after diagnosis. Lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy. Recovering well but jeez it's all a waiting game isn't it? Now back to feeling anxious but trying to be so very patient while waiting to find out more about what this cancer is and what my next steps are. 

  • Hi babybel welcome to the forum. I glad that at least part of the journey is done for you. I totally get where ur coming from about the waiting it feels like forever when in reality it probably isn't. It's OK to feel as you do you wouldn't be human if you didn't worry. However, keeping super busy is the best thing to do until that appointment comes through where you will know more about the plan for you. Thinking of you and sending huge big hugs your way for now. Xx


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