People’s experience

  • 11 replies
  • 320 subscribers


can anyone share best moisturiser they have used post radiotherapy please? 

  • I used E45

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  • Hi Whynot,

    I had a lumpectomy and two lymph nodes removed two months ago and I’m due to have radiotherapy soon. I asked my Doctor the same question and she said either Baby Aveeno (because it’s very mild) or E45 cream.

    They told me to start creaming and preparing the area four weeks ago, so I’m using the Baby Aveeno and my skin is lovely and soft.

    I hope this helps and wish you loads of love and

  • Thank you. 
    I still have 5 more cycles of chemo, but had a discussion about radio with my consultant last week, plan is it will start prob first week August, and I was thinking about it, as if I’m honest seems to be all I really think about these days. I hope it goes ok for you. Even though they have spoke about the sessions and the possible side effects would be good To hear real people’s experiences. Xx

  • Neals Yard remedies professional body lotion. I think one of the cancer charities uses it for treatments. I had a bad reaction to my surgical dressing but I didn’t react to this and no skin flare up during radio .

  • I was recommended La Roche Posay CICAPLAST BAUME B5 REPAIRING BALM by the dermatologist at my hospital. Having just completed my 5 days of radiotherapy today I highly recommend this cream. I have been applying it several times a day, and straight after radiotherapy treatment. It’s amazing! I have had no skin reactions and any slight redness post treatment has disappeared a few hours after applying this cream. It’s a little more expensive than other options but a little goes a long way, and if you shop around you can usually find it on offer. I purchased mine from Boots and got 20% off and you can use your Boots points if you collect them. Good luck with your treatment. 

  • I’m using bio oil at present on my op scar, not yet even had my rads planning appointment, anyone experienced using that after rads, as I’m finding it great for my very dry skin? 

    Hugs xxx


  • I e45 cream post op ( which was now 4 months ago! Scream) but I didn’t really have any problems and my scar has healed very well and is neat.  Do u think bio oil fades scarring? 

  • I think bio oil was suggested, and I already had some. It helps gently move the scar which I think helps the healing process

    hugs xxx
