Can a DEXA scan detect bone secondaries

  • 6 replies
  • 318 subscribers


I have osteopenia following on from my BC treatment and have just returned from a follow up scan. The radiologist made a comment that has sent me into a bit of a tail spin. She effectively said the results would be back with the consultant by the end of the day; he would decide if he would do any follow up scans but she thought that was likely and to definitely chase if I hadn’t heard anything by the end of the week.

i am already having treatment for osteopenia but my interpretation of that conversation was she has definitely seen something so now fretting about secondaries. My original BC was 2 years ago and had spread to 1 lymph node. 
Does anyone know if the DEXA scan shows anything other than bone density.

thank you

  • Hi Aly welcome to the forum and sorry to hear how worried this comment has left you feeling. Why the jump to secondary Cancer? Is it possible that they could have seen changes in the Osteopeania and maybe some changes as a result of that with bone density changes. I think what you are thinking is something that happens to us all after Breast Cancer and the minute something happens for us we immediately jump to worst case scenarios so you are not alone in this. As this is Friday I cant imagine that they will get results back by the end of this week so not sure where they are coming from with that one? As this is the end of the week today.

    I know its not easy but lets go with the least worst case scenario until anything else comes into the frame. Hope that all makes some sense?     


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  • Hi Gail

    Thank you for your reply. I do have a tendency to jump to the worst case scenario first but I think it was the comment about ordering more scans that threw me. The radiologist told me the scan would be with my consultant by the end of the day as I left and to chase them up if I hadn’t had the results by the end of next week so she left me with the impression something wasn’t right and it was fairly urgent. But I have calmed down a bit now and will wait and see. Hopefully it’s just an over zealous radiologist! Thanks again for responding x

  • It could be as you say an over zealous radiologist. So glad to hear that you are feeling a bit calmer it's not easy waiting on results but hopefully the news will be positive for you x


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  • Hi  , just wanted to pop in with my experience from last year. I’m not medical so can’t really comment on what a dexa scan can show but have had several myself and have assumed each time that it only shows bone density. In my case, I had my first dexa scan in January 2019 as I’d started Anastrozole after surgery in the Oct to remove an oestrogen positive lump. The scan showed mild osteopenia so I I’ve taken daily calcium and vitamin D since then. My second scan in 2021 showed slight worsening but not deemed significant. The third scan was last summer, late afternoon, and although the radiologist said nothing at all, I got a phone call at 9am the following morning from my GP surgery, saying that there were concerns about the results of my scan so I should have a GP appointment. But nothing available till the following week. Like you, this put me in a complete panic, it’s very natural to fear the worst, especially with such limited information. And of course the fact that they phoned me so quickly was even more panic inducing. We were about to go on holiday so it ended up being a telephone consultation a week later. Needless to say I tried to shove it to the back of my mind but it was there like a shadow the whole time. In the end it turned out that there was a more significant deterioration, but after the GP had put the measurements into some calculation formula, I didn’t need any change in my medication - I’m still on Anastrozole and taking the calcium and vitamin D. So in my case it was a horrible panic for nothing. She didn’t even recommend that I go on bisphosphonates, or stop the anastrozole.

    I hope it’s the same or similar scenario for you. If the osteopenia is significantly worse, I wonder if they might suggest a different hormone treatment (I’m assuming you had oestrogen receptive cancer but of course I may be wrong). Or maybe suggest bisphosphonates? But I’m only guessing. It’s so horrible to have so little information, I really feel for you. Hope you get answers quickly next week. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi, I have always been told by my medical team that a DEXA scan is used to assess bone (mineral I think) density, and is not used to diagnose anything else, including arthritis. That’s all I know, but I hope you are already feeling less anxious from the replies above.

  • I am not medical but a DEXA scan can sometimes detect bone mets. It is however not the tool of choice to do that, they are looking for bone density as others have suggested so try not to worry, hopefully you’ll get news that put your mind at rest soon. All the best x