Left and right breast mastectomies

  • 1 reply
  • 314 subscribers

I’m a new member and have surgery planned for the 3rd July 2024.  I’m 80 next year so my age preys on my mind that the operation will not go the same as they do for a Younger person .  Is there anyone like me starting on this journey at a similar age I can talk to?  Had a lumpectomy 22 yrs ago for DCIS and told 3 weeks ago the cancer had come back,  now have it in both breasts with several masses.  It is daunting to take that option of mastectomies but because of present age I do not want any chance of having further surgery for any recurrence when I am well in my 80’s

I have preop assessment on the 24th June

  • Hello, 

    I have recently had a mastectomy for a recurrence 6 years after my first, on the same breast (it snuck round the back of the implant, the nasty beast) and am now 79, if that’s any reassurance?

    I’ve got results and am not needing chemo but will be having radiotherapy very soon (planning next Tuesday) and then probably targeted medication (Ribociclib or similar) together with hormone blockers. 

    Like you I really don’t want any further angst, just a really good job making of getting this beast gone for good now while I’m (relatively) fit.

    hugs xxx
