
  • 4 replies
  • 319 subscribers

I just had this message from my mum. Has anyone else experienced this?

”When the pains in my groins n back start pulsating and contracting with immense pain on the exact day after chemo for the third time in a row, but the oncologist can't tell me why or understand why its happening, surely I'm not 1 in the whole world that's experienced this?”

  • Hi, I've not come across this before, but I noticed your post hasn't had any replies yet. My answer will bump it back to the top of the group and hopefully someone with the right experience will be along soon.

    You or your mum can also give the lovely folks here at Macmillan a call (on 0800 808 0000) and chat through her concerns.   Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Amyfos,is your Mother taking Filgrastim injections after the chemotherapy.I find these are the days I had the exact pain.I started taken loratidine 1 hr before the injection and this has seemed to have minimised the effects.Hope your mum is feeling better.I was told that the injections cause your body to create histamines which the liratidine then minimises.I am not a health professional so ease ask your mother to contact her team before taking any medications prescribed or otherwise xx

  • Hi,

    I got this with filgrastim like clockwork on day 5/6 to day 8/9. Worse when moving, coughing, sneezing etc. 

  • I have pelvic leg and groin pain from the Filgrastim injections from day 3 when they start until day 7 when they stop. Usually lasts a couple of hours in the evening. I find a hot water bottle helps.