Oestrogen blocker hair loss

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  • 305 subscribers

Hi, I’ve been on Exemestane for 5 months. I also have osteopenia so take Adcal plus Vit K. Recently noticed that my hair brush need “ defluffing” more often, the shower drain needs clearing more. I’ve reduced my hair washing to twice a week ( but I’m not happy with that) but does anyone have any tips on how to reduce this?  I’m lucky that I’ve got thick hair, but I’d like it to stay that way. 

  • Same here Cry. I’ve been on Anastrazole for 8 weeks and I have very thick hair but it’s now dry and shedding . 
    I also was borderline osteopenia , which really surprise me as I’ve always run and lifted weights , no booze or smoking but I I have an underactive thyroid .

  • It’s irritating isn’t it?  I’m not complaining & I certainly wouldn’t stop my meds, but I do think your confidence takes a bit of a knock when your hair changes. I’ll ask my hairdresser next week if she can recommend any product but I don’t want medication. It seems every medication has a side effect that needs another medication which also has side effects. Got to draw the line somewhere haven’t we?

  • I was thinking of exemestane but no good of it had the same effect Cry. I also take the d/k and calcium . I read that lots of omega 3 foods can help but that probably only works on “ normal” ladies . 

    I’m worried about the bone loss too .

  • I’m doing all the omega 3 foods too. My breast surgeon put me on Adcal etc & my GP rang me & advised Alendronic acid but  my dentist was a bit antsy about it as it can have really bad side effects ( see, those darn side effects again). So I spoke to my surgeon again & he said he doesn’t think I need anything other than Adcal etc, plenty of walking, good food & sunshine. I’m also doing bone strengthening exercises. I’ll revisit the Alendronic if there is a marked deterioration in bone loss next year. 

  • I’m trying !

    my oncologist rolled his eyes at biphosphonstes , luckily . I’m back into exercise , so trying to slowly lift weights . And run .

    I’m seeing surgeon next week , onco will sign me off soon , hee radiotherapy, so will see what surgeon says .

    good luck x

  • Update. I have done some research & although this isn’t scientifically backed, I thought I would share with you. I found a shampoo which “ claims” to slow down hair loss. It’s Pantene Grow Strong with Biontin and Bamboo. I got it from Amazon £7.50 but its a huge 1L bottle so I decanted it into a smaller bottle as my bathroom is only small. Also, I saw some recommendations for pumpkin oil or rosemary oil so I ordered both & used them as directed on damp hair. Unfortunately, this made my hair really lank so I washed it again & applied it after drying as that is when I normally apply dry hair oil & this was much better. Remains to be seen whether it’s affective, but thought it worth giving it a go.