Drains coming out

  • 3 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Hey everyone..I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction and sentinel node removal on 21st May.. I have 4 drains in which are due to come out tomorrow..the pain from surgery wasn't too bad to begin with but the last couple of days under my arms is quite sore and my skin feels sore across my chest like when you have flu...the thing I'm most worried about is the removal of the drains...I don't know what to expect and I'm a bit of a wuss...does it hurt?...one nurse said it might be a bit uncomfortable...what does that even mean lol...getting myself all worked up about it..

  • Hi, that sounds sore, bless you. So sorry you’re in this situation and a double mx sounds tough to go through.

    My experience is probably not that different to some others, my ‘surface’ drain came out after a few days but I had a deeper one that was removed at 15 days post op, I’d had an implant reconstruction, it was still draining but the BCN said they don’t like to leave them longer. I was asked if I’d like to lie down (yes I did, and my advice to you is to do so too!) she said to take a deep breath in for a count to three, and she pulled it out just as I got to three. It didn’t hurt per se but was a very very odd sensation! 

    im sure you’ll be very well looked after but do ask to lie down just in case! 

    Hugs xxx


  • Thankyou for replying moomy..I was starting to panic that nobody had replied because it must hurt..lol...I'm sure il be fine but when your just sat  thinking about stuff everything seems magnified..il deffo take your advice to lie down though..x

  • I had a single mastectomy without reconstruction and lymph node removal. I had 2 drains which didn’t hurt. The doctor asked me to take a deep breath and it was done and I didn’t feel it at all. I did take a paracetamol beforehand. Hopefully yours won’t hurt at all.