Radiation infuced Brachial plexy

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  • 315 subscribers

Sorry this is a very long post. Anyone have any experience of Radiation induced brachilplexy. Im 7byears out from imitial diagnosis. I have had issues for last few years with lots of chest pain and tightness altered sensation and lots of aching to my arm, tingling weakness and numbness in arm and fingers always told its rads damage nothing to worry about so I've just put up with it however 10 days ago I woke up in excruchiating arm, chest, neck and shoulder pain over counter pain meds did absolutly nothing and I still have good movement in the arm and had not injured it at all. so i went to gp she thought it was my heart so she sent me to hospital had ecg found out i have sinus brachicardia but they not worried about that they said its just muscular sent me on my way with advice to keep moving and take over counter pain meds.

since then I'm currently away from home on holiday and I've had 3 very traumatic visits to a and e, blood pressure through the roof due to pain begging them to make it stop in a right state. Ive spent 3 days and 2 nights in hospital on oramorph only thing that helped reduce pain to a tolerable level though trying to get effective pain relief has been difficult I've been treated like I'm just after the meds by some staff.

I have had a ct scan 2 mri scans been told by one doctor I have growths on cervical spine at c6 c7 that they didn't think are cancerous prescribed tramedol sent home to return for mri next day. I didn't last trmedol did nothing and returned and was admitted. Next day told by another doctor that its a cyst on my thoracic spine at t6 put on gabapebtin and then discharged with only paracetamol and ibrobruphen as they apparently cant prescribe orsmorph for me to take home and they are going to write to my gp for a spinal referral at my local hospital.

I'm in so much pain currently I'm swallowing over counter pain meds ever 2 hrs to take the edge off the pain but it's destroying me i can't sleep can't sit comfortably, can't do anything my arm is weak, my grip poor, my neck is stinging constantly if I move wrong the pain is excruchiating im getting about an hour every few hrs where pain is tolerable and im miserable and I'm terrified of the bad pain its that bad. So I've been googling in my better moments to try and find an answer and this is the only thing that makes sense given they say mri showed no lesions, no disc damage, no nothing except the growths or cysts whatever they are im really not sure or trust the doctors here to be honest. 

Any help or advice greatfully recieved 

So anyone have any experience could this be radiation induced brachial plexy would that have shown on mri? Just trying to get some ideas as when I get home I'm going to go to local hospital to try and get some answers.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read about how much pain you're in and it must be very worrying for you.

    I haven't had this problem but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

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