Oncotype DX

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I have just had the results of onctype DX test sent to America and I am borderline. I am seeing oncology team next Thursday so I hope to discuss pros and cons then but would appreciate anybody else's experience. I have had a bilateral mastectomy and have recovered very well and feel back to normal. I am in my 80s and am told I need radiotherapy for my chest wall. Obviously they must think there is some merit in treatment at my age or they would not have sent it. Any been in this position? 

  • I had the Onctype Dx test and my score was 3.1.  My lump was then sent to America and came back with a good score.  I didn’t have to have chemo but it was suggested that I have the intensive 5 day course of radiotherapy as a preventative treatment which I have just finished.   Hope all goes well. 

  • Hi Photogirl. Sorry you are in this position. It is hard to know what to do for the best. 

    I had a lumpectomy a year ago. Grade 2, stage 2, ER/PR positive and HER2 negative. Tumour 24 mm. 2 lymph nodes removed. 

    My Oncotype DX score was 27 - higher than expected, but still borderline. I think normally they offer chemo to people whose scores are 25 or more (but I could be wrong). 

    I was 58. My oncologist said that because I was post menopausal, chemotherapy would be of little benefit.  

    Before I knew my score, I asked my oncologist what would happen if my result was borderline. She said that was up to me. It depends on individual people's assessment of risk and benefit.

    She has patients with borderline Oncotype DX results who say "I want to have every treatment I can, so that I know I've given myself the best possible chance to get rid of this cancer."  Other patients say "If there's no clear benefit of having chemotherapy, I don't want to have all those poisons in my body." 

    I don't know if that's helpful. I hope it is. There is so much uncertainty, and the waiting is hard. Thinking of you. 

  • Thank you for that, that is just how I am thinking, wavering between the two points of view. I am preparing some questions to try and understand better how the cancer cells work and the chances of some being left behind. I don't want to regret my decision in a couple of years time. Will let you know how it goes.xx

  • That's a good idea, to make a list of questions. There's so much to try to understand, when we're not in the best position for learning new things. 

    Please keep me posted xx

  • Hi photo girl 

    Did you speak to your oncologist and what did they suggest? 
    I am in a similar situation and therefore asking you xxx

  • Hi Starrr,  Yes I was 21 for the test and she said that for me at my age (in 80s) chemo would do more damage than the benefits so I am having 3 weeks ×5days of radiotherapy. I am going on Tuesday to sort out where and mark it. Also I have to practise holding my breath for 30secs because it is left side and holding breath moves my heart away from chest wall so it is not hit by the radiation!! Fortunately I can do that. Also have to start exercises again so my arm will go above my head easily.  It may be different if you are younger but the oncologist was very good at answering questions and explaining it all. Feel reasonably confident about it but be glad when it's done. Just hope I shan't keep worrying about it coming back. How are you doing? Sorry delay in replying am having a weekend away.xx

  • Ahh not a problem hope ur having a good time. 
    yes I am a lot younger I am 37 n my oncotype dx came back at 24 which was borderline. I guess age does take a big part in it x

  • Hi Photogirl. Delighted you don't need chemo. I think it's the most challenging out of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

    Good luck with the rest of your treatment. Glad you're having a weekend away. Take care Slight smile