A good news post

  • 16 replies
  • 319 subscribers

Good evening all

November 2019, I was diagnosed with her2 positive breast cancer.  I had 2 tumours in my breast and a 2cm tumour in a lymph node in my armpit. There were cells in a couple of others as well.  After chemo, surgery,  radiotherapy then a year of herceptin,  I started to rebuild my life as a newly single woman as my then husband left.

This post is for everyone struggling right now, to give you hope. I was petrified,  lost all control as I was so scared.

Anyway,  I've just had another clear mammogram.  So happy.  Just so you know, it's tough but there's good news out there! Keep going and things will get better, 

Love julie x

  • Awww, bless you, lovely to come back to tell those of us who remember you, that you’re doing so well, thank you.

    May you continue doing brilliantly!

    hugs xxx


  • Thank you so much for remembering me. I remember you and so many others who helped me xxc

  • So glad to hear you're doing well - long may it continue. It's lovely to hear 'good news' stories, such an encouragement to everyone here who is still fighting this horrible disease. We have to believe that there's always hope for all of us. 

    Bless you, I hope you're really enjoying your new life. xxx

  • Thank you so much  it's an awful thing to go thru and I really do feel for anyone going thru it. I was so scared. The diagnosis was a massive shock and grade 3 stage 3 , awful, but I'm still here xxx

  • Congratulations    I remember you glad you happy and thru all your treatment . I’m just waiting for my 5yr mammogram

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • I remember you  Well done! So glad things are looking up for you xx

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • What an uplifting post! I’m just sitting here beside myself waiting for a CT scan this evening and as you all well know that in itself is a traumatic experience. I was diagnosed in October last year, had surgery and radiotherapy and on Tamoxifen. CT scan is checking for potential spread and I feel like I’m right back where I started. And until those results come, it will be a difficult few weeks. It is lovely to hear positive stories like yours. Best wishes.

  • Hello  I remember you too and your words of help,  thanks so much,  I'm doing well,  fear never goes tho does it! X

  • Hello  

    It's a terrible thing to go thru,  I had ct scan as soon as they knew it was enroute.  Had 2 full body CTs. Keep posting,  let us know how you are 

    Julie x

  • I’m a newly diagnosed person, so right at the beginning of the journey. It’s so good to hear your uplifting story!  I’m genuinely happy for you.  You go girl!!