Falls following chemotherapy

  • 3 replies
  • 314 subscribers

A breast cancer friend who had chemotherapy 20 years ago in her 40s, has been suffering from falls which began a year after her chemo ended.  She recently saw a doctor who informed her that chemo can cause loss of the hair in the middle ear which then causes problems with balance.  There is no treatment and the inner ear hair does not regrow.  Awareness of the problem and taking great care is the way forward.  I thought this information may be of interest to anyone who may be experiencing falls following chemotherapy.

  • Hi Carrie52 welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing this and I hadnt heard of this one before.  I have a friend who is having falls but it is to do with Neuoropathy in her feet as a result of the chemo she has had. 


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  • Hi Granny59,

    it might be worth mentioning the inner ear problem to your friend if she has had chemotherapy.   My friend’s doctor said he had heard of 11 similar cases.  I hope he is following it up with his oncology colleagues to warn women to be careful of falls following chemotherapy.  

  • I have had dizziness since round 2 of my EC (6 weeks and ongoing ) I did have an identified ear infection and have had antibiotics. I had been looking into it as thought it might have been chemo related but oncologist dismissed. Have since found that the Platinum based chemo compounds are known for damaging the hair follicles Fingers crossed the inner ear which could be responsible for balance and hearing issues. I’m hoping as my chemo wasn’t platinum based I’ll get some relief in time Fingers crossed