
  • 5 replies
  • 317 subscribers


First time asking a question. But of background information about me, diagnosed September 2020 with HER2 positive grade 2 breast cancer, treatment was wide incision lumpectomy, with lymph nodes removed of which 10 of the 15 removed had cancer. 8 sessions of chemo and 15 sessions of radiotherapy, was also advised that I would need to on letrozole for a minimal of 5 years and would need 7 rounds of Zometa, I have been told today by the Open Access Forum that it has been decided only six sessions of Zometa will be given and that this in accordance with NICE recommendations. Has anyone else been advised of this. I was not made aware of this by anyone and this has only come to light as I called the hospital today chasing the appointment date for the last session. Thanks in advance x

  • Hello Mayqueen.

    I have been treated for triple positive breast cancer and following surgery and chemotherapy, was commenced on anastrozole for 10 years, herceptin for a year  and 6 monthly zometa for 3 years . I believe that regime of zometa tends to be the norm from what I have read on this forum.

    wishing you all the best.

  • I was diagnosed with stage 2 but had full mastectomy and had 6 monthly zometa for three years too but I'm on anastrozole for 5 years.

  • Hi, I am having my 6th, and final infusion next week. So what you have been told aligns with my plan. Hope that helps. 

  • Hi, I was scheduled for 6 rounds of Zometa (3 years) but my oncologist told me recently that the advice had been updated and that 5 years is now recommended, instead of the original 3 years.  You might want to ask about this.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Irishgirl16, thank you so much for this update. We were diagnosed at pretty much the same time. I’m was prescribed Zometa for 3 years. I had a telephone appointment with oncology pharmacist, and he said next weeks infusion will be my last. But that telephone appointment was in January. Will see if I am told anything next week, but I’ve just seen that the MacMillan website advices that it is prescribed for 3 to 5 years.