Sleeping problems after mastectomy

  • 22 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Had my mastectomy with 80% lymph node removal from the armpit onWednesday 8th May.  Surgery went fine  and got discharged the same evening. Everyone was amazed how I well I was doing but it's the sleeping is the worst.

The drain has been digging in. Luckily I only have 2 to 3 days of it as still losing more than 50ml a day. Averaging out 100ml. They did supply a heart cushion but personally I can't see that makes any difference!! 

Also I had to get the dressing adjusted under the armpit as was tugging onto the skin and causing more pain 

Time now is 5.30am and have been up since 3am . Painkillers don't seem to be working. 

I have seem mastectomy pillows online at amazon. Is it worth investing in one still..

I just need to sleep  SleepingSleepingSleepingSleepingSleeping

  • I’ve found my heart shaped pillow supports that underarm area to reduce the swelling there. Had my mx on the 7th, a complex op as it was to remove a recurrence, implant and capsule from 2018, plus sample some nodes. So I’m hugely bruised as they tried to remove all traces and scrape muscles to encourage them to knit together again. 

    I hope you were fitted with a bra and softie, again to reduce swelling? 

    Hope you recover well, drains are a pest! I had a couple in 2018 but decided a system of positioning. Try lots of pillows supporting you in a bit more sitting? And one dodge could be some support under the mattress as pillows naturally slip. Trial and error, I found….try and nap for short periods in the day, too. 

    hugs xxx


  • I do hope you are asleep as I write this....

    I can't offer you any advice as my treatment was different but I'm sure there will be others who can.

    Next time you are awake in the night, try posting on the Awake thread. There is a lot of experience on that thread from people who have had mastectomies sometime ago and others whose operations like yours were just last week. Sharing your problems, I'm sure you will get answers.

    Take care and I hope today passes without so much pain and discomfort.

    1. I
  • I had mine 3 weeks ago. I also struggled with sleep but it did get easier when the drains were removed. It is very hard to feel comfortable. I did take co codeine for 3 days which helped. 

  • Hi Jackiewackie 10

    I had my mastectomy and lymph node removal March 2023  It is difficult to sleep especially with the drains in , and even when they were taken out it was still painful I found it was the operation from the lymph node removal was the worse.  I purchased a v pillow from Argos and also the heart shaped breast cushion which really helped. I could not take co-codamol so I took 2 paracetamol followed a few hours later with nurofen which I found helped and please do your excercise when you need to start. It is a painful operation but as the weeks go on it will get better honestly. Early days yet

    Take Care Jayne xx

  • As days go on I seem to be in more pain. I was only taking cocodomol when needed mostly night time  but it was blocking me up so went back on neurofen.. but last night took both!! 

    The drain reading actually reads 70 ml since yesterday so has gone from 90 to 70 so fingers cross it will go down to 50ml and get rid of the blasted drain !!! 

  • Hiya yes have been fitted a temporary softie and have brought post surgery bras from m and s with bra pockets.  Also been booked into the prosesthis fitting in June. 

    I thought I was organised and booked the removal of the dressing straight after my pre op assessment. But didn't think about the recovery!! 

    Have been having afternoon naps apart from yesterday as thought I would sleep better got that wrong ! 


  • I eventually fell asleep at 6am on the couch for an hour then went back upstairs and got up 9ish !! 

    Yes I have seen that post awake and have read a few posts but not contributed. Think I will do that.

  • As ur reply popped up , I went straight to argos website and Hubby going to pick one up this afternoon. 

    Have been doing exercises,  probably more than I should thou. 

    I was only taking cocodomol when needed mostly night time  but it was blocking me up so went back on neurofen.. but last night took both!!

  • It’s great you are able to take neurofen, it will help too. 
    don’t overdo those exercises, it’s still early days (yes I know, I’m the worlds worst to rein in!) and you should only edge into that area of stiffness/pulling then back off and do the ‘cooling down’ moves. 

    Hugs xxx


  • Before surgery stocked up in neurofen from pound land! 

    I will try not to overdo exercises. I seem to do them without realising !! 

    Been told the drain is coming of tomorrow yippee then I can have nice bath and hubby can wash my hair Laughing 

    Hugs back to u xx