8 months after chemo still very achy!!

  • 2 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Hi all

I had chemo for breast cancer which I finished in August last year. I know people have said it's normal to feel tired for quite some time after but some days just doing a bit of exercise can take days to get over. My main problem is the pain/aching in my legs when doing something even a little bit strenuous and can make me feel rubbish for days after. I'm also taking Tamoxefen which I know can cause joint pain. Has anyone else suffered with leg/joint pain and if so what did you find helped please?

  • Hi KMT

    Same!  Chemo finished for me last July.  Not sure whether it's side effects of treatment or the tamoxifen as you say, but I get aching in my legs and hips.  The BCN said it will take months for things to get back to normal and the GP seems to relate it to chemo.  This may well be the case, however, I know that I'm now post-menopausal so not surprised I'm suffering.  I try to drink loads and take warm baths at the end of the day.  Exercise does help but then out of the blue after doing just one session same as normal, next day will be awful.  I use paracetamol and just try to keep moving.  Hopefully, it will pass!  Hope you're feeling more like yourself soon x

  • Thank you for your reply. It sounds like we're both exactly the same! Sorry that you're suffering too it's frustrating isn't it. It's hard to plan things as like you say sometimes after exercise youre fine then other times you're not. Maybe I just need to be a little more patient Thinkingha ha xx