Cancer Journals

  • 2 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Hi all.

In previous difficult times a therapist (and friends) advised journalling.

I'm not very good at it and find the idea of a cancer specific journal with prompts would help me.

Can anybody recommend a cancer specific or breast cancer specific journal?

If not I'll be relying on Amazon reviews.

Thanks so much. 

  • Hi, I must admit I haven't come across anything cancer specific, but I bought myself a nice note book with motivational messages in every page and used that. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Racey Red,

    I am recovering from breast cancer surgery and awaiting radiotherapy. I know you go through a roller coaster of emotions and sometimes it’s difficult to stay positive, but you have to dump the negativity and concentrate on those positive things.

    I decided to write a daily journal, after my sister bought me a beautiful diary. I take a few quiet moments on my own each day and gather my thoughts, then just write down what I feel and how my day has been. This to me is mega important, as it gets everything off your chest and out of your system, even if you just write ‘I’ve had a crappy day’ or ‘I’m angry today’’ it’s out. There are no hard rules or special ways to do this hun, just write what you feel.

    I hope I have helped you in some small way, please be kind to yourself and always remember, you are not alone and can come and talk to us riff raff at anytime.

    Love and