Radiotherapy planning scan

  • 4 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi all I've been on this forum for a while. I've had my lumpectomy and sentinel node done but was waiting for 5 months for my radiotherapy date.

I had my radiotherapy planning scan done on Tuesday and just wanted to reassure anyone waiting for this that it's absolutely fine.

Two lovely ladies looked after me in the scanner room and made me feel so comfortable.

I had to do the breath hold which was much easier than I thought.

I'm at Leicester Royal infirmary and was given a gown which had velcro so I wasn't flashing everything and I get to keep the gown until it's all done. 

They kept asking me if I had any questions and were so quick to answer my concerns.

The tattoo markings Sting just a little bit but are almost invisible. Can't say the same for the pen markings which should wash straight off but don't JoyJoy. So if like me you are stressed about the appointment I can honestly say mine was a breeze. 

I feel so much better about having radiotherapy now and hopefully I'll put someone's mind at rest. We go through enough as it is but this part is ok.

Sending love to you all that are going through this shit show xxx

  • Hi Tash150,

    I can’t thank you enough for posting this, I’m about to star radiotherapy in the next few weeks so this is very reassuring. I’m having a telephone consultation with the Doctor next Wednesday.

    I unfortunately did flash everything I own, when I was going to the loo with a nurse after my op, the shame lol - the only thing you can do is laugh really, the best medicine I suppose.

    May I wish you every success with your treatment and journey and hope it all ends on a good note. Love and

  • Hi Tash

    Just to echo your experience. I had my CT planning meeting for radiotherapy on Thursday and as you say it was all fine. The breath hold was easier than I expected too and the tattoos are tiny. 
    It was quite surreal having 2 young men peering at my chest with such intensity, taking measurements- but all very easy and friendly. 
    I start 2 weeks of radiotherapy later this month so hope it all goes as smoothly as this meeting. 
    Good luck with your sessions x

  • I had 15 sessions of radiotherapy in 2015.  Hopefully your unit as told you which creams to use.  My BCN said yo E45 skin in preparation for radiotherapy so it's in good condition before RT begins.  I was also told to keep Aloe Vera gel in fridge to put on after each session to cool skin down.  My skin held up very well and within months all redness gone.   I also bought cotton lined non wired post surgery bras.  I didn't have a mastectomy but I'm a 36G and these were only bras with soft lining.  I just bought two and they did a great job for the few months I wore them.  If large breasted you might have to have a mould made to hold them in place each RT session.  Quite a pleasant experience.  You lie topless on bed and they put warm bandages over your chest which then set and they make clear plastic mould.  I used to laugh every time I saw my mould in the shelf ready for my session.  I should have kept it to make a garden water feature Rofl

    Radiotherapy itself s quite a quick process.  I used to wear my gown under jacket so straight into room, jacket off , like on table and they line you up.  Then the machine does its job and jacket on and off you go.  10-15 minutes: they don't tend to run late.  If you have to travel they considerate with appointment times, mine gave me 8.15 everyday on my timetable as I lived less than 5 minute drive away so those travelling further can have later ones.  They ds ring me once at 6am yo ask if I could come then as one machines being repaired so asking those local to come early - some patients stay on site as travelling too far.  I turned with soaking wet hair but I wasn't fried !  Drink plenty of water and be prepared for fatigue as sessions go on and a few weeks afterwards.  

  • Hiya Grogg 

    I haven’t been told about aloe Vera gel but I do have some so will check when I have my first appointment. I have heard that drinking lots keeps the tiredness under control. 
    It sounds as if you did very well so thanks for all the advice. I hope I’m lucky too Fingers crossedxx