Rib pain, new CT needed

  • 2 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hi all.

Just wondering if anyone has had similar..  I was diagnosed September 2022, mastectomy and nodes removed in the October. Had chemo from Dec until the following April then three weeks of radiotherapy.

The last year has been fairly uneventful until about a month ago I started to get a bruised feeling on my ribs on the side where my breast was. It feels like I've been sleeping on Lego if that makes sense? Anyway I had my follow up appointment with my oncologist to review the abemaciclib and I told him about the pain and he has said he's going to refer me for a CT scan and hopefully it will be next week. I wasn't really worried until then but I'm now starting to think the worst. 

Also when I had my first CT back when I was diagnosed they saw "something" on the internal mammery chain which wasn't seen again on the CT I had after the chemo.ry 

  • I'm following this. I had my cancer 3 years ago, lumpectomy,  chemo and Radiotherapy.  Mine also feels bruised,  and painful if I touch it. I kept thinking is it my bra strap, but it's about 1 inch lower,  I've not got in touch with my breast team because I've an appointment in June.  Hope you have other people, joining in, try not to worry x

  •  I am 2 years in now and i too feel pain on my ribs like something is sticking to my ribs when i turn or stretch,the most common answer seems to be radiotherapy damage.kind regards