Double mastectomy by choice

  • 4 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi all, 

Sorry to keep asking so may questions atm.

You are all amazing people and being so helpful to me, I can't thank you enough Heart 

I was just wanting to know if anyone has decided to have a double mastectomy even though it's only one side affected?

I have been told I need a right side mastectomy due to scattered DCIS B3 but my gut is saying I'm wanting both sides removed as I feel the worry of it reoccurring on the other side at a later date will not allow me to get on with my life.

Am I being silly or drastic? Has anyone done this? 

I'm looking at tissue expander reconstruction afterwards, hopefully permanent rather than having another implant added? 

If I need radiotherapy I then have the option to delay this I think if I'm reading correctly Thinking 

I'm trying to regain some control back in my life and this feels the right thing for me to do.

I hope someone can help me and share your experiences please.

Sarah xx 

  • Hi Sarah2

    I had a right side mastectomy. My first instinct was to ask for a double - like you I didn’t want to go through this twice. I was advised at the time it wasn’t necessary and if I did want a double I would have to go through counselling first which delays the surgery. I took that at face value and desperately wanted rid of ‘ the beast’! so went ahead with single. I am glad I did now. The recovery has been long. I’m 10 months post surgery and 8 months post radiotherapy and still still struggle with tightness and pain. I can’t imagine how I’d have coped with twice this pain and tightness. I don’t know if I’m unusual - maybe others have more positive experiences. Xx

  • Hi, I'm 2 weeks post left side mastectomy and right side lumpectomy.  I have found myself questioning whether I should have asked for a double mastectomy.  Particularly as I've had genetic testing and if it returns as positive,  I'll be offered a preventative one anyway. And partly because I'm not guaranteed clear margins and may need further surgery on the right side, though of course, I hope not! 

    However, although I'm only two weeks in, I agree with you Beth S, the mastectomy site is much more tight, sore and painful and I find it difficult to even carry something light in my left hand.  I imagine coping with this type of recvery x 2 would be pretty stressful. 

    Having said that, I know that women are having double mastectomies through necessity all the time. 

    Sarah 2, I hope that you're able to come to a decision you're comfortable with. Ultimately,  we have to do what we can to maintain our sense of agency in this scary and overwhelming place we find ourselves in.

    Sending you both healing thoughts. S

  • Oh gosh I hope it soon gets easier for you and thank you so much Heart 

  • Thank you both of you. Yes it's difficult to know what to do. I'm hoping my consultant can talk me through all options to make things clearer in my head. 

    Thanks again ladies xx