Bone scan

  • 3 replies
  • 317 subscribers


i was diagnosed with stage 1 bc in May 2019, had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. 
In 2020 started getting rib pain, had a bone scan and advised this was arthritic changes, I was 47.

im 52 now and still experiencing rib pain, consultant doesn’t think it’s connected to the BC but has ordered a bone scan. 

im thinking if it was bone cancer it was be far worse by now or am I just clutching at straws. 
when you read life expectancy for secondary breast cancer in the bones it says 2 years, this terrifies me. 

does anyone have any experience of this, thank you. 

  • Hi PollyPocket71

    I had a nuclear bone scan about 8 months after surgery due to rib pain. It was clear. The pain was more a feeling of excess fluid pressing against my ribs, especially if I tried to lie on my side. I still can’t sleep on my side, 10 months post surgery. Consultant is probably trying to give you some peace of mind. Like you I was thinking the worst and it was good to get that reassurance. Try not to worry. Xx

  • Hi 

    I've just seen your thread I'm going through a similar situation. Waiting for my bone scan results as I'm feeling bone aches. I do have some arthritis but this feels different. I wonder are you on anastrazole or letrozole. Maybe it's that, that's making us ache?  It's such a worry though I fully understand! Every time I get a lump or a pain it's hard not to feel like a hypochdriac! 

  • I am also waiting for by PETScan results as they found a 2cm leision on my femur when I had an MRI . I am getting shooting pains in my legs and arms and I’m so scared. Just want to start treatment but it’s the waiting that’s so stressful..