Mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction - what do I need?

  • 6 replies
  • 318 subscribers

My surgery - mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction - is booked in for a couple of weeks time.

I have never had major surgery before so this is somewhat terrifying - but once it’s done it’s done.

Has anyone had this recently who can advise on what sort of things I should be buying in preparation?  I am going to order some post surgery bras, some button up PJ’s, apparently I need some compression underwear/shorts?

I am confused as to what the hospital supply and what I need to supply!


  • Hiya, I had mastectomy and diep reconstruction ladt Monday ,and came home yesterday .I was in broomfield Chelmsford, and one thing we all agreed with was we took way too much stuff in with us ! We all had visions of floating round in nice new pj's after a day or 2 but actually found it easier to stay in the hospital gown .One lady tried her Pj's, but got fed up with having to pull them down in the loo and they annoyed her round the waist so she went back to the gown .If you are told you will need a bra from when they get you sitting up (was day1 with us) ,the front fastening ones from  Asda are good ,about £16 for 2 .get a bigger size so they are roomy ,but still hold everything in place .I also had a m&s one with velcro in front and 3 hooks& eyes .I bought control pants like they said ,but havnt put them on yet as I had a dressing where one of the drains had leaked a bit .luckily I had put in my bag some seamless full briefs made from lycra that I bought in primark so I have put them on .Will attempt the control pants in a day or 2.I bought a pretty big size so hope they are comfy .Also ,I took toiletries thinking I would do a nice pamper session - no chance ! All I managed was quick brush of teeth and wash of face ,and for showering they wanted us to carry on with Octesican (?) that's an antibacterial wash so didn't use my lovely fancy soaps I took in with me .

  • Ah, I have some of the Asda ones in my basket already!

    how have you found recovery? Any pain or discomfort?  Any tips for sleeping?!

    Did you get home within the three days?

  • Hiya KP20 ,I came home yesterday which was day 6 .I still have one drain in ,but didn't want to sit around in hospital just waiting for it to come out . It's not that much of a big deal anyhow ,just got to remember to take my little bag with me when I move ! Most of the women were going out on day5 , Don't try and rush things .Make the most of the rest ,and letting the medical  teams look after you .After the op ,the main pain is in the stomach so difficult to stand or sit down but didn't hurt when just lying or sitting .You are given painkillers to help ,I just had paracetomol but some had stronger ones .I slept OK apart from continually getting woken for obvs to be done  ,or someone wanting to check your flap ,which sounds quite rude really lol.The ladies I was with were an amazing bunch ,like everyone on here .It was comforting and warming that everyone was encouraging each other ,and knew what each other was going through.  Its good being home though ,being able to potter around slowly .I am in the spare room for now ,mainly so I can use the v-shape pillow to sleep on my back and just make myself comfy .Xx 

  • Was six days what you expected?  I have been told three days in hospital!

  • I was originally told usually 5 days ,but could be a day  either way .Mine was an extra day because I had 4 drains and one was still producing a lot of fluid ,which is why I ended up coming home with it  still in place .

  • I had a mastectomy with a tram flap reconstruction in January, so a very similar operation. I was in hospital for 6 days and had one drain, this held me up getting out as it was draining too much fluid. I got checked every hour for first couple of days, then every 2 hours and eventually 4 hours. I was in a room that was very warm, seemingly that helps with healing. I ended up wearing just the hospital gown as it’s easier for them to check everything. I couldn’t have a shower, so took some toiletries so I could wash at the sink. Lip balm, dry shampoo and a face cloth are useful also.  An extra long phone charger was handy. I got the Asda twin pack bras, still wearing them 13 weeks post op but they are the comfiest ones I can find. I couldn’t wear the support pants to begin with, they were just not comfy. Now wearing M&S support pants 2 pairs for £10. I feel like they offer good support which is helpful for me as they took some muscle as they needed a bigger blood vessel. A cushion between your stomach and the seat belt on the way home makes it a bit more comfortable. I hope everything goes well.

    Take care
