Double reconstruction/ Lymph nodes removal

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  • 315 subscribers

Hi all,

I'm one week post op off double reconstruction and lymph node removal and of course Cancer removal.  I need a good cry still. I'm very tired could sleep all day and smothered with love and help at hRed care,  to the extent I just want to be on my own,  anyone else feel that? I keep telling them my legs still work.  I want to do more,  should I be? I know we all recover differently. I want to drive Red car but know i can't yet.  I feel a bit trapped in my own home,  I want to be on my own by the sea trapped with my own mind and thoughts.  It's the first time I have thought this cancer thing is shit. 

I'm usually the most positive person I know,  but not right now and I know that's OK too. Same to all you others who I'm hoping have felt the same. 

To you all, sorry for no more words today,  but virtual hugs and love all the way.

  • Hi there. I do hope you are feeling a little lighter and if not, let’s be honest it’s all a bit rubbish and we just need to get through it…. I just keep telling myself it’s all temporary and will pass . The love and support is amazing and I do appreciate every bit but try and limit visits til I’m ready and perhaps have a what’s app convo instead.

    I had a single mastectomy and full lymph clearance 5 weeks ago. In normal life I run, swim and bike and work FT . After the op I was wiped out. Mainly slept for the first week and was out of breath going down the stairs let alone up them. The second week I was  getting dressed and putting on sliders over the compression socks  (as couldn’t do my own shoes up) and  went for very short shufflly walks  even doing this and stopping on a bench and sitting on my own or with company helped. The change of scenery and fresh air. The number of people who stopped me and asked where my dog was on this days and didn’t notice the sliders or drains hanging off me was amazing. Made me realise that people don’t notice these things much and best just to get out there! 
    by week 3 the fog was lifting a bit more from my brain and physically could shuffle a bit further.

    If you can I’d try and get some outdoor time and let others now where you are going if you are still unsteady on your feet and /or take a phone. I was told that the anaesthetic can make people really down, so it may be the drugs affecting you too. Perhaps call the macmillan nurses at your hospital

    for support. It does pass and you will get stronger. For the record i too think cancer  is shit but it doesn’t define us. I am determined that it will make me (us all) stronger mentally and there are lots of lovely people to meet on this journey  

    you can do it Hugging