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  • 319 subscribers

Hi just been to breast clinic had necessary tests and biopsy and was told by Dr that looks like is cancer but still awaiting results from biopsy. How long does it take to results to come back? I have read that up to weeks. 

  • Hi Anna, sorry you are here . I was told I’d get an appointment in 10 days and I got a letter a few days later to confirm that . Did you meet your breast care nurse ? She gave me card with her number on . You can check what the timing is for your hospital . Sending hugs x 

  • Thank you for reply. I did not get anything as yet they said they will contact me via phone to make an appointment to discuss further treatment. Its a bit overwhelming but have to patiently wait. X

  • Hello Anna, I had similar happend to me. I had an appointment for a week later, which was cancelled. Then I was just left waiting for a phone call. It is very upsetting waiting for important news, feeling forgotten and not knowing when it will come. It took several phone calls, but eventually I worked out I would only get a phone call after they'd had their MDT meetings (once a week). It's definitely worth phoning up and speaking to a breast specialist nurse to find out when you are likely to hear. I got passed round several people before I spoke to someone who could advise. In the end it took 2 weeks to get the results. Good luck! I found those weeks very difficult, but your mind does settle down eventually, so try not to get disheartened X

  • Hi  , like you I was told at the initial appointment that it was very likely to be cancer. My results appointment was 2 weeks later. It’s horrible waiting for results, I had to just try to keep very busy at work. Keep posting and let us know how it goes. It’s a bu**** having to join the cancer club but this forum is a great place for support and shared experiences. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you, time it's precious tho so scared I am trying to be strong and positive 

  • Stay strong . The not knowing is the worst bit . they weren’t sure with me , so I had to wait for the biopsy result . I managed to park it until the follow up appointment. 

    Once you know , you can see what others with a similar diagnosis are going through . 

  • Hi, I had my biopsy on a Friday and was given my results on the phone the following Wednesday, then a consultant appointment the following Tuesday. I know I was lucky to get them so quickly. I hope the wait passes quickly for you

  • It took me nearly 2 weeks. Had the biopsy on a Monday and had the results following Friday. Good luck. 

  • Hi Anna T

    it took just over two weeks for me & like yourself that they said it’s highly likely to be cancer which was confirmed in results. It’s a shock & still is some days. Waited another three weeks for MRI scan however that’s was over Xmas & New Year so probably a delay there. The waiting it’s so difficult, had a bit of a meltdown a few times but was dreading MRI as claustrophobic so that didn’t help. 

    Sanguine x

  • Thank you i am emotional wreck thinking so negative can't help, not sleeping much. I I know I don't do for myself favour but can't help it.

    Hope for the best. X