Stopping Anastrozole after five years

  • 2 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Just went to see my oncologist. He had wanted to extend treatment of Anastrozole for another five years. Next April is my fifth year. I have been having some pelvic problems because it deprives the body of estrogen.  Also have lost a lot of weight.  At first I was relieved that he might only extend it for two or three years.  Now I keep thinking it’s keeping me alive.  Anyway wish I could turn off my worries.  Sometimes I think seeing doc every six months is too much

  • Hi  I too am on anastrozole. My cancer is not breast cancer, it’s called endometrial stromal sarcoma, but the treatment mirrors breast cancer treatment, because it’s hormone driven. 
    I can understand your worry about stopping the anastrozole. It is like a safety blanket being removed.  I would speak to your oncologist about your concern, I am sure he will put your mind at rest. 

    I have osteopenia in my hips and pelvis brought on by my treatment and low oestrogen. I have been having denosumab injections to help with this, but have been really struggling with pelvic pain since Christmas. I have started having physio this week, and am really hoping it will help. 

    Those 6 months definitely come round very quickly. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I hope the physio helps you . I have had joint pain and have been doing exercises for it. I still have osteopenia but I have less pain. I hope you do too. I will speak to my oncologist next time I see him.

    I have to get through one more year so I do have time to think more about it and see if anything gets worse or improves.

    Thank you Chellesimo