Struggling today!

  • 5 replies
  • 318 subscribers

Really struggling for some reason today. Recently diagnosed with Breast cancer and awaiting operation in a week or so. Just started telling people and it feels a bit overwhelming today. 

  • Im sorry to hear of your diagnosis but welcome to the group. It can be very overwhelming but keep talking there’s lots of us here to help uplift you.

  • Hang in there it’s helpful to talk about it and it’s normal for your emotions to be high. Just talking about made me very tearful in the weeks leading up to surgery and afterwards but it does get easier. I promise. 

  • Hi maesteg3 - I felt exactly the same in the weeks before surgery . There were times when I was totally overwhelmed by emotions and others where I felt calm . It’s such a rollercoaster of emotions ….. It will get easier after surgery , sending you hugs x 

  • Hi, I think many of us have good days and bad days.  I always found it helpful to distract myself with something when I got a bit overwhelmed, but i think it's very normal especially when you start telling people and they have questions.  Best wishes 

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