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So having come to the end of x4 EC and about to head into x4 Docetexal, I’m really starting to struggle with all of this.

I opted to cold cap, and glad I did, I’ve so far maintained around 80% of my hair, although know this could change, I bought a wig in preparation, I don’t like wearing it but it gives me normality for a short period of time, and allows me to keep what’s happening private.

Everyday I feel this disease is taking more and more of me, I don’t feel like me anymore, I look in the mirror  and hate what’s staring back, and whilst vanity should be the least of my worries, today it’s felt like another kick when I’m already down, my lashes are on their way out, for me this is worse than loosing the hair on my head. 

I really try hard to be positive, but today I can’t dig any further, I feel like I’m dragging my family down, my emotions are up and down, angry and sad, I’m at my wits end.

  • Sweetheart I think everyone feels like this at some point . Your fighting the worst thing . Massive hugs x

  • Hi Sarah76

    So sorry to hear how you’re feeling. This whole process is so difficult to get your head around. The fact that you (we) actually have cancer. You always hope it won’t be you. A couple of weeks after I found out I was in a right mental state after being told I needed a 40 minute MRI as I’m so claustrophobic. Ended up on diazepam for a few weeks. Feel stronger and dealing with it better now but am due to start chemo so hoping I can keep feeling like this. 

    The fact that you’ve got this far is a credit to you. You have been strong to get this far so hopefully you’ll find the strength to continue and know it has to come to an end. Feeling angry, sad and upset at what life has dealt you is enough to make you feel at your wits end. It will get better and you’ll be stronger for it. 

    Sending hugs and hope things improve xx

  • Thanks Sanguine,

    What I’ve learned from this so far is that it’s so much more than the cancer, the emotional side is tough, the week following chemo definitely plays with my emotions, it’s the time when all of this hits hard.

    You’re absolutely right this will come to an end, and once chemo is out the way the process oh recovery will begin.


  • Hi Sarah . Fo you have a Maggies or Macmillan centre near you? They can offer support with the  emotional side of cancer . My surgeon has mentioned emotions being the hardest thing to deal with . Take care x 

  • Hi Sarah76

    I’m not looking forward to chemo I must admit. Going to try and take each week as it comes and hope I can cope with the emotional side. 

    Good luck! Xx

  • For me it’s the after effects of chemo that emotionally bring me to my knees, I feel so vulnerable, and whilst chemo makes me feel emotionally drained it is fighting this day by by, and I have to remind myself of this.

    Sending Hugs xx

  • I know it’s tough, but hang in there! I also don’t like what I see when I look in the mirror, but I’m grateful that I’m still here everyday. I tried to look at the brighter side of the hair loss…at least I didn’t have to save my legs and arm pits now! Relaxed️ keep your chin and spirits up! 

  • Firstly, huge hugs to you, Sarah76 because some days in this horrible journey hugs are just what is needed. Hugs & all the lovelies on here celebrating your ‘4 EC’s completed’ medal & reminding you that that is no mean feat. I’m a year on from finishing chemo but remember feeling like I was done with it all after round 3. I cannot even describe how low I felt. My lovely oncologist told me to hang in there for the last one & trust him that Paclitaxel would be so much easier. Another chemo patient who had just started Paclitaxel heard that I was struggling & sent a little message via a nurse to reassure me that she’d felt exactly the same but was managing things so much better on P.

    My emotions were all over the place. I really thought I was losing the plot and it made such a difference to be reassured that of course some of those feelings are about dealing with diagnosis etc but that just as many are about the drugs. Knowing that, helps you know that things will get better but that it will take a while & there will just be some days that are complete pants.

    A year on I recognise that whilst a lot of ‘me’ is coming back, some bits just can’t, maybe never will & some bits I’m going to say ‘good riddance’ to. 
    Take each day as it comes, go with the flow for a bit & know you are coping way better than you think (you’re huge steps ahead of me as you’re reaching out to the lovely supportive people on here).

    Much hugs

    Jo xx

  • Hi Jo,

    Thank you so much for this, it’s exactly what I needed x

    Chemo really does play with your mind, I honestly thought a couple of days ago that I was done with it all, didn’t see how I would come through this, 7 days later and now on antibiotics for a chest fection which explains the lack of recovery and probably the lower than normal emotional side, I have come through it, still not 100% but getting better day by day.

    This is a wonderful place for support and having received messages from people I’ve never meet has been so uplifting, and I can’t thank you all enough, a few days ago proved to be a very dark place for me, hearing about people like yourself  a year down the line helps so much.

    Thank You xx