Zoledronic acid infusion

  • 5 replies
  • 318 subscribers

Hi, has anyone had this infusion and what are side effects like? Been reading that

 It causes all sorts

  • Hi

    I've been having them every 6 months since December 2022 and haven't experienced any side effects. 

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  • I have them annually, feel a bit under the weather for a couple of days, nothing too bad though. Drink plenty of water before and after, take a couple of paracetamol and hopefully Fingers crossed

  • Hi  , I’ve been having infusions every 6 months since August 2021.  Like  I’ve had no side effects at all.  Best of luck.

  • Finished 3yr of 6 monthly infusion of ZA  in Jan 23  few side effects a bit off for a couple of days nothing serious .

    As I’ve recovered from 4 yr of treatment I now realised  i was fatigued but this could have been combination of follow on treatments after surgery in July 19 then chemo ..Herceptin & ZA .

    My advice would be listen to body if it’s tired rest make sure you have dental check prior to starting and have a chat with your dentist he should be able to reassure you about SE .throughout treatments I  used a soft child’s toothbrush to help protect gums and teeth . 

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • Hi.had first one in january,had flu like symptoms for 2 days but recovered.big hugs.x