1 year post treatment - ongoing side effects of radiotherapy......

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Hi there everyone.   I have thankfully reached 1 year post treatment (surgery,  radiotherapy and hormone therapy).   It was just not possible to continue with the hormone therapies,  as the  side effects were such that I had no quality of life and was unable to function or work.   I am very happy to have had my first annual check and have no recurrence of the cancer.   I have however been worrieded about the ongoing pain and swelling I am experiencing and saw my consultant again to review this.

I am rather upset to find that this is now a long term consequence of radiotherapy,  and that this won't "settle" without some intervention.  I have been advised to massage the area gently and to back off a little with exercise (which is a really important part of my recovery) whilst addressing this.   There is swelling,  pain and the whole area bruises very easily.  The whole area of my breast to my underarm constantly feels bruised and inflamed.

I need to invest in some very supportive bras,  and return to sleeping with a bra/some compression to try and alleviate the pain at night.   I have not been able to return to wearing any of my usual bras and am only wearing yoga tops, which I now understand are not helping me!  I am worried however about how painful and uncomfortable tighter clothing will be.  The 1 year mammogram was very painful indeed.......

all advice very gratefully received -  I do completely understand that I am actually a fortunate patient, I am now cancer free and avoided chemotherapy - but I had very much hoped to be able too put this put all of this behind me. 

  • I’m just coming up to my year appointment and I’m with you, I’m constantly feeling pain, swelling and redness. I want to get this next mammogram done so that I’m not thinking the cancer has returned.

  • same!  having that all clear means that I am looking for the next steps in managing these side effects,  hoping that we get some useful pointers from others who have managed these longer term issues.  

  • Well, and there was I thinking that it was just me who had ongoing discomfort. Reassuing to know I'm not the only one. I'm ten months past the end of radiotherapy - which was only 5 days - and find that my breast feels bruised a lot of the time. I might try massage for a bit and see if it helps.

  • Same here too! I have been two years post radiotherapy, my breast really hurts, mammograms are eye wateringly painful too. If any pressure is accidentally placed on my breast I absolutely freak out with the instant pain. (Accidental Puppy paws) I also feel like there is a pin in there. Like you I am fearful it has returned as again like you I could not take the hormone therapy. Luckily though I have had the all clear twice. I have asked my doctor if there is anything that can be done. He just sadly shook his head and suggested ibuprofen gel. I am grateful to be cancer free. The price is worth it. 

  • I’m the same…I’ve been told damage from radiotherapy.    First mammogram was definitely not a pain free experience.  Some days it’s okay and others it’s really sore and bruised feeling.  Just done a yoga class and lying on my front an absolute no no.  Massage does help a bit and I’ve take to sleeping with sore booble exposed to the cold air overnight.  Definitely have to watch out for puppy paws!  

  • I’m 9 months post surgery, 7 months post radiotherapy but also have ongoing pain and swelling which is constant. However I’ve always believed it was the SLNB that caused this and not the radiotherapy simply because I had the swelling and pain be fore radiotherapy began. It’s not something they tell you about so I thought it was just me! It’s so frustrating.

  • Poor thing though, I nearly involuntarily launched him across the lounge. He's not that little either! Joy

  • Ha! I totally recognise this accidental puppy paws reference! Daisy is actually small, but even small paws are shockingly painful when she uses me as a step ladder and thinks my boobs are a staircase.....

  • Oh boy, yes those puppy Dog paws!!

  • Hi  , sorry you have this ongoing issue, I’m wondering if you’ve had a lympheodema assessment? It’s a less well known possible side effect of radiotherapy. I was diagnosed with it in my treated breast, about 3 months after my 3 weeks of rads finished. At my follow up oncology appointment, 10 weeks post rads, I’d queried that the treated breast was bigger than the other, despite being scooped out and radiated (which I’d read would likely shrivel it up a bit, so it should be the smaller one). Also any seam on a bra or crop top would leave ‘pitting’ on that side. So I was referred to my local lympheodema service and the nurse there confirmed it. Like you I was told to get more supportive bras - I was still wearing post op bras, soft and comfy but hardly any support. I was also shown simple massage but found it difficult. She said I should take up Nordic walking or aqua aerobics - I did a Nordic walking course and am still doing it regularly nearly 5 years later! Apparently the particular arm movements, very different to just walking with regular poles, is excellent for getting the lymph moving in the chest area. Anyway I had a follow up some weeks later and the nurse said there was such an improvement that she could discharge me. It’s a lifelong condition but I’m lucky that in my case it’s manageable. I’m still wearing properly supportive bras, and sports bras for any exercise involving significant arm movements (so not for walking without poles as it barely involves the upper body). Do you think that’s worth exploring? I hadn’t known that you could get breast lympheodema, although I was aware of the risk of it in the arm after surgery. 
    Hope you can get some relief. My breast is still painful if prodded or knocked and I think always will be. Mammograms are horrible but I’ve found taking paracetamol beforehand helps. Love and a gentle virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi