Cold cap hair

  • 2 replies
  • 313 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I have just completed round 4/6 of docetaxol/carboplatin. I have used a cold cap each session and not experienced any hair loss until just before my 4th round. This is in small clusters of hair, not evident to anyone else but I’m very aware of any loss. 
I know everyone’s journey is different, but does this mean it is the beginning of the end or could this just be a particularly bad round for hair loss and it’ll subside? 
I know I can’t control what will be, I’m just looking for others experience of a similar situation. 
Thanks in advance xx

  • I also lost small clusters of hair.  I kept using the cold cap and whilst I lost some hair I  never used a wig.  My advice would be to keep using the cold cap.  My hair also quickly grew back.  Yes I had the chemo curls but all in all the cold cap was one of my best decisions.

    All the best

  • Thank you, did you lose hair evenly? I have prepared myself for loss, it’s still hard though. I only have 2 rounds left I will defo keep up the cap xx