Rheumatoid Arthritis & Breast Cancer

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I was diagnosed last July with stage 1 grade 3 Her2 positive BC. 
I have completed chemo and had a mastectomy and 3 lymph nodes taken, luckily for me I had a complete response no lymph node involvement which is fantastic. 
I’m on Herceptin injections for 9 months and my Radiotherapy starts in two weeks, 

I have got Rheumatoid Arthritis is there anyone out there that is in the same position as me and struggling now with terrible joint pain after starting Herceptin? 
i initially thought it was my RA just flaring up, but now beginning to wonder whether it could be the Herceptin causing the Joint pain

Previous to the breast cancer, I was in complete remission for years, unfortunately they had to take me off all my medication for my RA due to the chemotherapy and treatment of the cancer. 

Thoughts to everyone out there, battling this horrible disease. 

  • Hiya, yes I had a similar diagnosis and also have RA, if you click on my name you’ll see my story. As with you I had been stable and by and large in RA remission for some years. Taken off meds during chemo, about 3 months after my last chemo, still having herceptin the symptoms started to resurface. As first I too thought it was the herceptin and then I had a huge, total systemic flare. I was put back on my methotrexate and had some bumper steroid shots to knock it back and it took a few months but it did stabilise again. I was able to take the methotrexate alongside the phesgo. Don’t get me wrong there were some aches and pains that was the phesgo but once I was back on the methotrexate it was much, much improved. Talk to your rheumatologist if you haven’t already. I was told some people never get the RA back after chemo but I guess not us! All the best to you x

  • Thank you so much for your reply Blush

    Seems mine is exactly the same 3months on from my last chemo and symptoms are coming back in my knees. I’ve had one course of steroids which helped but as soon as I got to 5mg the aches were back,
    spoke to my Rheumatology Nurse yesterday and she’s put me back on steroids till next week as I have Radiotherapy coming up on the 11th, they have mentioned going back on Mtx (not a nice drug) but if it helps I’ll do it, I was on it for years before the biologics. 

    With everything we’ve been through this is the last thing we need, but you’ve given me some hope that the Mtx has helped. 

    All the best to you xx Kissing smiling eyes 

  • Could they restart your biologics again instead of the mtx? Incidentally this is my second BC and first time around I had radiotherapy while still on the mtx. Yes I’m pretty stable again now so try not to feel too down, hopefully you’ll get it back under control again soon . All the best xx

  • Hi Anna12345,

    Unfortunately not can’t have it for at least 5 years, I was on Humira/Imraldi for years. 
    just started a dose of steroids 20mg for 4 days and then 10mg for 4 days then stop as Radiotherapy starts a week later for 5 days.  I’m feeling less pain as the days gone on. 
    I’ve just read your blog on here, I too have Her2  positive BC stage 1 (i think) grade 3 I’ve had TCH Docetaxel Carboplatin & Phesgo. 6 cycles and a Mastectomy on the 2nd Jan, now on 3rd Herceptin Injectoms of 12. seems as if the side effects are starting to kick in now. Pensive 

  • Hi Sasha, I’m in the same boat. Stable RA treated with biologics & hydroxicloroquine. Rheumatologist stopped biologics immediately until I’ve been cancer free for 5 years. Hydroxy was stopped until after radiotherapy because it can cause photosensitivity. After my radio I did what I thought was right & tried to contact her ( no reply to phone messages). So I restarted it myself. Unfortunately developed a radiation burn which became infected so I had to stop it again. I think I’m improving now so have just restarted again as I’m really struggling with joint pains. Taking Exomestane doesn’t help as joint pains can be a side effects, but I’m on these for at least 5 years.  I really think it’s stopping the biologics that’s affected me more than anything. I have an appointment next week with RH so I’m hoping she’ll give me an alternative management plan that doesn’t involve steroids- I hate the side effects, plus my bone scan revealed early osteoporosis and Exemestane can exacerbate this. No easy answer is there?  Hopefully, you’ll settle down enough to get on with your treatment because we have enough to cope with don’t we?

  • Jennand, 

    I really hope things start to settle for you with your joints Blush. It’s  not good to be on constant steroids but at this present time I have no options until after Radio. 
    Im on Herceptin like you with the drugs you are on joint pain is a side effect so I think it’s caused a massive flare, it’s only my knees atm so I guess that’s a bonus it’s not everywhere. I’m only on it for 12 cycles so not sure what happens after that.