Breast pain

  • 5 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hello, just looking for a bit of advice, (think i’m worrying unnecessarily) I have had Breast cancer 4years ago, had a a lumpectomy and RADIOTHERAPY my concerns at the moment, or my nipple is quite sore. No discharge, also, I have noticed a rash on the breast. Any advice from anybody thank you Dawn

  • My advice would be to seek an opinion from your team, I assume you will have annual checks for five years? Get in touch with your BCN, discuss it with them and they may get you seen earlier if they think it’s needed, even just for reassurance. I hope all is well for you.

    Hugs xxx


  • Moomy thank you so much, good advise hugs to you x

  • Moomy thank you, good advice hugs x

  • Hi, I agree with moomy, always best to get it checked out. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi  , great advice already. Definitely get it checked, I’ve had a few issues over the 5 years since I was diagnosed. All ok but needed checking. I had some nipple discharge 2 years ago , referred myself to the clinic, had physical exam and ultrasound. Nothing detected, no further discharge, remains a mystery! Personally I think the nipple maybe got rubbed during an exercise session (my sports bra isn’t very soft) and just got a bit ‘skinned’. I don’t know about you, but I had a very painful nipple post op and especially during radiotherapy, and it took many months to resolve. I also had a red rash about a year after my op - saw GP who prescribed antibiotics and was also referred back to the breast clinic. It was more or less gone by the time I saw the surgeon so it was probably a skin infection. I have breast lympheodema (a less well known side effect of rads) which apparently makes infections more likely. Thankfully all ok on that front for past 4 years!  Sorry for the long ramble! Just wanted to reassure you that I’ve self referred in between annual checks and have never been made to feel that I was fussing. Do get checked! Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
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