Keeping Fi

  • 16 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Having been diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Dec, which was and still is a shock, prior to the diagnosis I have always been fit and active, walking my dogs 3 miles every day, box fit 3 times a week and 3 weight training sessions, but since the diagnosis and having a PICC line I’m no longer doing box fit or weights, both of which weren’t just about the fitness they also helped me to keep mentally fit too. 

A few years ago I suffered with stress/anxiety brought on by 2 deaths in the family in close succession which required a period of medication, however, I found fitness to be my release and no longer needing medication as a result.

I’m heading towards EC No 4 and whilst I feel awful for the first week, week 2&3 I’m good so my question is really to ask if anyone else has continued to do weights during treatment.

There just seems to be so much that you can’t do, my mental health is suffering and I just need a release, this is all hard enough as it is.

  • Oh wow completely amazing to hear that you have continued both cardio and strength training, well done you xx

    I know in my case that I need to keep active and as the article mentions, this for so many is a way of staying in control. It’s also my way of keeping mentally fit, and if I’m mentally fit I can do anything.


  • Yes - but tended to use resistance bands. It’s so important for mental well-being and outcomes to try to keep as fit as is practical during treatment and beyond. I did interval training throughout chemo. Some days I thought I was too tired, but found myself hugely refreshed for making the effort. Try taking advice from a cancer exercise specialist eg CU fitter charity or Penny Brohn. Both have experts trained on exercise advice in cancer

  • I was a little apprehensive about asking the question about fitness, but I’m so pleased I did, having received all of these comments, just shows how important fitness is to so many x

  • I had a very good oncology physio who gave me exercises and this helped.  I also had a PICC line.  Listen to your body and you will know what is OK to do.  I finished my treatment in November 2022.  I am now playing tennis. going to to the gym and doing Pilates and yoga. During  my treatment I did feel fatigued and it was friends that kept me going. 

    Al the best.

  • Hi folks Wave hope you don’t mind me joining this chat. I’m Carolyn- I wrote the book that klf kindly recommended (thank you Pray). I must be cautious not to self-promote as that’s not the done thing on forum chats, but if they’d be helpful, I made three little films during my recovery from mastectomy that show how I got back into weight training. I have a YouTube channel that has other films on how to start exercising during and after treatment. Hope you find them useful.

  • Hi Carolyn . I think it was Happy feet who recommended you .but I will check out those videos , thanks so much for recording them .

    i went to chair yoga yesterday , which was great . My post lumpectomy arm mobility is back to pre op now , going to look at running and weights next week 

    I’ve received my invite to the post cancer rehabilitation sessions