Weekend break three/four weeks after mastectomy/reconstruction?

  • 6 replies
  • 314 subscribers

My last chemo is 17 April, so I am expecting surgery (mastectomy and reconstruction, although haven’t met with surgeon to discuss type of reconstruction) within three weeks of the end of chemo - so should have happened by w/c 6th May?

Its been a shitty time for us all and we really want to book a weekend away with the kids (4 and 7) for early mid June - so I would be around four weeks post surgery - is this realistic?  Would I be able to swim do you think?  Not looking at doing anything strenuous, but swimming is something I would like to be able to join in with. 

I am not meeting with the surgical team for another three weeks and I would like to get something booked in before then so asking for opinions here - is four weeks realistic to have recovered enough to go away for the weekend? 


  • Hi, I know that feeling of wanting to relax & have normality again, but personally I would wait til you have met with the surgeon & you know what the plan is for your surgery etc.

    In my opinion 4 weeks is a little optimistic, just in case of any complications e.g. Seroma, infections, but also you will probably feel pretty tired 

    Best wishes x 

  • Thanks.

    I might book it with the added cancellation policy, as a back up then.

    Due to various reasons, that is basically the only weekend we can get away for months and I NEED something to look forward to!

  • That sounds like a good plan 

    I hope you get away & have that special family time x

  • Hi KP20, I went to Cornwall a few weeks after mastectomy and I was fine. I didn’t swim because it takes 6 weeks for full healing- but we did lovely walks and the kids still went in the pool. It’s important to continue living, having fun and making memories. Would be sensible to have cancellation cover just in case (as you’ve said). Sending you a virtual hug xxx

  • Thanks! 

    I don’t mind so much if I can’t swim, long as the kids can - we want to go to Center Parcs so I could probably sit on the side whilst they play on the kiddie stuff!

    They have missed out on lots over the last six months - no swimming, no soft play etc so I want to give them some normality after all this! 

  • They are very lucky to have such a thoughtful mummy! Well done on completing your chemo!! X