Reconstruction vs BMI

  • 1 reply
  • 313 subscribers

Hi all, looking for a wee bit of advice.

My sister will be finishing up chemo in 4 weeks and the next step is surgery. She’s been advised that due to her BMI being too high, she will only get the mastectomy and not reconstruction at the same time. A friend then told her that a friend of hers was told the same thing, however she asked for a second opinion and challenged it, which resulted in her getting the mastectomy and reconstruction in the same surgery. Has anyone gone through this? My sister is looking at 2-3 on the waiting list for reconstruction which is quite a long time and it’s having a further impact on her mental health. Any advice would be incredibly helpful.

Thank you.

  • Hi there, I must admit I haven’t heard this before myself, but you or your sister might want to have a chat to the lovely folks here at Macmillan who have loads of experience.  The number is 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

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