Post Mastectomy

  • 3 replies
  • 313 subscribers

Hi all. I'm now exactly four weeks post mastectomy and reconstruction (went for the implant option). As anyone else found it difficult accepting their new 'breast'? It just doesn't feel like it belongs to me or is part of me. Obviously it looks different to before, I'm good with this but it just doesn't feel right. When I say 'feel', I don't mean physically if this makes sense, I can't seem to mentally accept it yet. Is this normal? How do I learn to accept it as part of me? I hope this makes sense. 

  • I think you need to accept that it will never look exactly like it used to, and that’s a big learning curve. We are different after all this, life changes when you get a cancer diagnosis, and any surgery is going to change your body image a bit, no matter how ‘gentle’ a change it is. So adapting to your new body image is a challenge you need to bravely face and if need be, have some help to adapt to. I’ve probably not put that very well, but rest assured I’ve faced the same and have accepted it. You can too, I’m very sure. 

    hugs xxx


  • Oh, and the sensory side is different too, the nerves in your skin have been cut so the touch of your hand on your new boob is very different and may well remain so to some extent…..

    hugs xxx


  • Yes I know what that means and feels like. I had mastectomy and reconstruction, a transplant from the shoulder blade, lattimus dorsi, then a year later a nipple made by an surgeon and areole made, by  tattoo . The nipple is still good but not the same.

    Dressed I looked ok but undressed it took time to accept and say it’s ok. Time and to say it’s ok, I’m still living!

    J x