Mental health after operation

  • 1 reply
  • 313 subscribers

So im in day 4 of recovery from my lumpectomy and lymph nodes biopsies and i just wanted to see how everyone else deals with this period of time after the operation. My mental health is so up and down. One minute im happy ive had the operation and recovering well then the next minute im feeling really anxious about the results. My hair needs washing, i havent got out my pjs. I cant walk to get my Son from school, can't hug him properly, im having to rely on my family to help with house work and i just want to be more in control of things. Im lucky i know i have a support network around me. But i just wish i could just get my head round it all.  I suppose im Just trying to process it, but it's so hard at this stage to know what's ahead. 

  • I don’t have much wisdom to offer I’m afraid but I wanted you to know that I read your post and I care. I too am post lumpectomy and awaiting results. Mine was five weeks ago and I’m really pleased at how my healing has gone but the waiting for a plan of treatment feels totally crippling at times. Some days are easier than others but at times I feel like I’m going mad from all the questions in my head. I agree that it’s the loss of control, for me that’s the hardest. Don’t worry about the hair and the pjs. Get as many sideways hugs as you can. Take care
