Chemo Treatment Advice

  • 5 replies
  • 314 subscribers

I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma PR positive, ER positive and HER2 positive back in Dec, it was decided to give chemo upfront, with 4 cycles of EC followed by 4 cycles of Docetaxel in combination with Phesgo, now having completed 3 cycles of EC, whilst it’s been hard, I think I’ve faired quite well but as I approach the final of EC and move onto the next, I like to know how others have found Docetaxel in combination with Phesgo, I would like know we are all different but was harsher or not than EC.

I’ve heard that some started to see hair growth return after EC, although have been cold capping, so far I have retained a lot of my hair, but would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank You

  • Hi, whilst on a different chemo regime to you, I had 6 cycles of a 4 drug combination which included Doxetaxol and Herceptin and then I moved to 12 further phesgo injections.

    The phesgo on its own had zero side effects for me.  The chemo was tough going, especially around day 4-5 each cycle, but in saying that, I managed to work throughout my treatment. 

    best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Sarah if you've survived EC you should find docetaxel in some ways easier, I did, although it is a build up and they reduced my dose for my last 2 treatments because of diarrhoea,and yes my hair started growing the moment I was off EC.  The Phesco was a walk in the park compared to chemo, thinking of you, love from Ann

  • Hi Ann, thank you for your reply.
    This 3rd dose of EC has been tough, I’ve definitely not bounced back as quickly as the last 2, I’ve experienced side effects for longer and overall feel emotionally drained, reading your reply has given me hope, the last few days I’ve wondered how I will get through all of this, it just seems to take a little more of me day by day.


  • Only one to go Sarah76, you can do this, life after is waiting for you, we merely tread where others have trod before.

  • Hiya, I was diagnosed in April 2021 with triple positive, I had simple mastectomy first then a couple of months later node clearance ( 1 out of 14 affected)

    I had 6 rounds of chemo, 3 EC , felt absolutely fine but my hair started to fall within a couple of weeks, daughter shaved my head, wig which was great, synthetic but very natural looking, then 3 Docetaxel, then 15 rounds of radiotherapy. I started the EC in the September of 2021 and Docetaxol in the January 2022 plus started phesgo x 18 , combination of docetaxel then probably more the phesgo gave  me upset tum for a year Disappointed but as soon as I’d finished I was fine. My hair was fuzzy by the following Christmas and now I have a shoulder length long bob, thicker and better than before !