Just diagnosed with lobular breast cancer…

  • 8 replies
  • 319 subscribers

I had an appointment at the breast clinic a week ago as I found a lump in the under armpit area and went to go get it checked out and right then and there I was told I had breast cancer and had my biopsy.

I got my results yesterday which told me that it was lobular breast cancer ER Positive and that I would have to get an MRI scan. They didn’t tell me the stage, or grade and my HER2 results did not come in yet. Is this normal? I am now spiralling that on the MRI it’s going to come out worse than I think it is because of the lack of information. They told me on the phone yesterday that my lymph nodes looked normal, but with this type of breast cancer, it wouldn’t pick it up on the mammograms and ultra sound properly anyway?

I only found out something was wrong because I bought a new bra and it was rubbing against my left side and irritating me and I found a lump but I found out that with lobular breast cancer, a lump isn’t a common symptom? I don’t know, I am just so worried and scared and I’m just looking for a place to vent it out. I’m still clueless and have no idea what’s going on…

  • I’m sorry you’ve joined the club it’s not something anyone wants to hear. I’ve got grade 2 lobular breast cancer I found a lump too. I’ve had mammogram and biopsies and the mri recently. Be aware MRI is really sensitive and can show other areas that may need further investigation with more ultrasound and possibly biopsies. I’m going in on Wednesday for my follow up ultrasound. It’s good that they get as much information as possible before doing surgery it all helps to work out the best treatment plan too. Keep talking there are loads of really helpful and supportive people on here.

  • Vent all u like !! 

    This group is very supportive and the other morning I couldn't sleep like most nights and posted on here. I knew that others would understand!! 

  • I’m so sorry to read this and all I can say is that I can totally relate to all the feelings and emotions you’re getting right now, I was diagnosed with breast cancer a week ago and have felt physically sick since … the not knowing is the worst thing and we instantly fear the worst which makes everything so much more difficult. I’ve only been in this group for a few days but just reading others stories having people mirror my feelings has made all the difference. 
    All we can do right now is believe we CAN do this … and we will!!!!

    Take care 


  • I have just been diagnosed with the same, awaiting MRI. It's awaful being in limbo.

  • I’ve been there and know how you feel.  Lobular breast cancer is known as the sneaky one because it sometimes doesn’t show up on scans.  Mine didn’t show up on mammogram, ultrasound scan or even an MRI scan.  It was confirmed by a biopsy.  When it was removed it was 58mm and three more small ones were present.   Imagin how shocked I was that none of this showed up.

    im through treatment now, but taking letrozole for 10 years, zoladronic acid infusions every 6 months for 3 years and Amebaciclib for two years. 

    We are very fortunate that we have all these things to help keep it away.

    Feel free to ask any questions, I am willing to talk about my experience if it helps  

    i wish you all the best on your journey and please remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel   Take care x 

  • I had the same although my lump turned out to be nothing but whilst they checked they found a lump that was the dreaded C. In 4 weeks it is a year and I'm having my first mammogram. Its such a scary journey and nothing can put your mind at rest but you'll feel much better when you have your results and a treatment xxxx

  • Same as me. My original lump was benign but the GP found an internal mass. The radiographer had his magnifying glass on the mammogram then did ultrasound and biopsy.

  • Hi there 

    so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in Oct 23 which only showed up on a routine mammogram. No lump and not visible on ultrasound. Thinking back I did have a pain under my left breast and kept buying new bras but didn’t consider a tumour. 
    I was very lucky it was picked up at an early stage on the mammogram as lobular can be difficult to spot. The biopsy showed I am triple negative so although the tumour was fully removed I’m having chemotherapy to prevent recurrence. 
    I’m sure you’ll be really well looked after - one step at a time.