Capsular contraction

  • 2 replies
  • 313 subscribers

Hi everyone, has anyone had experience of getting a large stiff and painful capsular contraction?  I had an immediate implant when I had a mastectomy of the right breast.  I knew that radiotherapy (15 days instead of 5 in December) could give me a capsular contraction but not this big.  They think I lifted something heavy or accidently bashed it but it went yellow/red immediately so I got checked out by two consultants, who confirmed it was nothing to worry about, just a capsular contraction.  The thing is, it is growing and is huge, three times the size of my normal breast and very high.  Got a follow-up in two days but wanted to know if anyone else has had this.  Bit frightened. Thanks

  • Hi, I noticed that your post hasn't had any replies yet, so I thought I would just pop in to say hello. I am sure this must be quite frightening for you, but good that you have your appointment very soon.  I also wanted to say that the lovely folks at Macmillan are always at the end of the phone to chat anything through, so don't hesitate to call them on 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

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  • Hi Allthiswillpass

    Just thought I'd hop on and say I feel for you - I also had an implant and then radiotherapy which I wasn't expecting and the implant is gradually getting higher on my chest and firmer and I'm wondering at what point it will settle or whether it will continue to distort.  I'm sure it's radiotherapy damage.  I'm sure you'll be in good hands when you go for your follow-up, I think capsular contraction is very common, but as you say frightening and disheartening after everything we've gone through.  I'd be interested to hear what they say about it if you're happy to share.

    Sending hugs x