Breast pain in remaining breast on tamoxifen

  • 3 replies
  • 313 subscribers

I have finished active treatment (chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy) and am currently taking tamoxifen.  I was first on zoladex and letrozole and have been on tamoxifen only since July 2023.  My periods stopped September 2022 when I started chemotherapy and last month they started again for the first time.  I have been experiencing ovulation type pain but more painful and lasts for days, and have also been having breast and nipple tenderness on my remaining breast. Also had terrible PMT symptoms and insomnia before the period.  I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this on tamoxifen and if it is normal? I feel a bit concerned about the breast tenderness particularly considering tamoxifen is supposed to prevent estrogen from having an effect on breast tissue.


  • Hi there, I haven't experienced this exactly, though I must admit I have some tenderness in my breast even now 2 years since surgery.  I'd honestly suggest if you're concerned to have a chat with your GP or your consultant.  Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi,

    Thanks so much for replying. I had a right sided mastectomy and the pain I am experiencing is in the remaining left breast. It seems to be cyclical hormonal breast pain but  was just a bit concerned whether this should be happening when tamoxifen is meant to stop breast cells responding to estrogen.  I have contactee the breast care nurse.  You are right, always best to mention these things.


  • Hi. I hope you get some reassurance soon x

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