Side effects of docetaxel

  • 5 replies
  • 314 subscribers


I've had three rounds of ec with just a bit of tiredness and sore heads. I recently had my first round of docetaxel with the phesgo injection and feel totally miserable! Have achy muscles, sore heads, sore fingertips, itchy watery eyes but worst of all is the sore throat, mouth and ears as I can hardly taste anything and it hurts when I eat ! Just wondering if anyone has had similar side effects and how long they last for ? Thank you !

  • Hi  

    Like you, I didn't suffer badly from side effects during my 3 cycles of EC but I then went on to paclitaxel so don't have any experience with docetaxel coupled with a phesgo injection. However, I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet so responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of page one again.

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    I hope the side effects soon wear off

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi thank you so much for the reply and the advice ! I will do that !

    Skw xx 

  •   ...hello...I'm sorry to read the taxotere drugs are making you feel so unwell. Everyone reacts differently but if you still feel like this tomorrow....particularly the finger tips....and if your feet start to tingle and burn too....please contact someone medical. I'm sure you were given a or oncology and talk to them. Don't feel you're making a fuss. The symptoms may go quickly by themselves but taxotere reactions can be severe. I know because I thought they were normal and I let mine get out of control. Too late to prevent permanent damage when I did see the oncologist.

    I hope you do feel better in the morning but don't ignore these symptoms. I think you know in yourself because you are asking that something doesn't feel quite right. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing.

    Take care. Love Karen

    1. I
  • Hi there

    ive just finished my docetaxel/Phesgo combination and had similar side effects (although yours sound a bit worse than mine ). I found bicarbonate of soda mouthwashes helped my sore mouth. Eating was unpleasant with all my food feeling like wood chips in my mouth but that also got better with the soda box. My fingernails were also really painful and I've got a bit of separation from my nail bed. I soaked my fingers in salt baths and used a little bit of tea tree oil on the underside of my nails - this was advice from my GP and I found it helped. I also had streaming eyes. My oncology nurse advised false tear drops which my GP prescribed. That also helped but it took a long time to settle. Sorry for going on a bit... I know how unpleasant the side effects are but they do get better. I developed acne too and have been using Metronidazole gel - works well.  Hope this is helpful!

  • Hi thank you. I will try some of these ! Most of my side effects have eased now thankfully!. x