Shrinkage is good, right?!

  • 4 replies
  • 315 subscribers

I was diagnosed with TNBC in October last year, the lump that seemed to appear out of nowhere ended up being around 7cm and also found a smaller 2cm hiding in there too.

Chemo started in November and within the first cycle, the big lump shrunk loads.  I have recently finished cycle five and I haven’t been able to feel the lump in ages.

Today I had a contrast mammogram, the big one has all but gone, but there is still some lingering disease but they are happy I am responding well to chemo and that the visual comparison between the first mammogram and today’s is really good.

Yet, I came away feeling a bit disappointed - I guess I was hoping they could say, it’s all gone!  Significant shrinkage with three more cycles to go has to be good right, that is the aim of it anyway - to shrink it all down before surgery?

Is the aim just to shrink it or get rid of it all entirely? I will be having a mastectomy and reconstruction - I don’t think this and changed and I don’t think I would want to change it to a lumpectomy anyway.

This is good, right?!

  • Hi  , I’m not a medic and didn’t have chemo but from other posts I’ve read here that sounds extremely positive! It sounds like your lump didn’t like the chemo at all and the fact that you can’t feel the big beast anymore must surely be a very good sign! And all the more positive, given that you still have 3 cycles to go. But I can understand why you might feel a bit disappointed, these appointments loom large and hold such significance and build up such anticipation, that short of being told that you’re totally cured, and no need for any further treatment, I think there’s always an element of a ‘let down’ or anticlimax, afterwards. I’m sure others with more experience than me will pop in, you could also post a question in the Ask a Nurse section, but I definitely would allow yourself to feel that it’s going well and in the right direction. Cancer is such a sh** show but it really sounds like you’re approaching the end of one stage with good results. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Well if it was me i would think this is great. If the aim is to shrink before surgery i would be very pleased you have responded so well. 

  • Hi,

    Just wanted to reach out about my experience. I was diagnosed with TNBC in jan21. I had chemo first. I had an scan after 4th cycle of chemo out if 6 cycles  and like you was disappointed as they didn't say it had gone completely. I couldn't feel my lump. Anyway, after surgery, they told me I had complete response and no cancer was found. So be positive. I am still here 3 years after my treatment and am doing well. Xx

  • Sorry, I forgot to explain something else. With regard to shrinkage, most people respond but not it means a bit of cancer will be left after chemo. Normally they will be offered chemo tablets for a few months after surgery and radiotgerapy. These have  very mild or no side effects. The fact that your tumor has shrunk means your treatment is working. This is still good even if it doesnt get rid if it completely. For some people  the treatment either doesnt work or doesnt shrink the you should be pleased as you are going towards the right direction.