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  • 312 subscribers

Aged 61 years Found a new lump in my breast 3 weeks ago. Hard, pea sized and close to the surface. Also in the same position as my previous DCIS in 2016- intermediate 45mm multi focal, Er+8 PR+6. Mastectomy: skin sparing and LD flap reconstruction. Total panic- GP and referral to breast clinic within 2 weeks. Today after ultrasound and mammogram found it was a small cyst which was drained. A small calcium deposit remains. So relieved! Get it checked ladies- it may be nothing sinister x

  • Hi Seashell66 welcome to the forum.  Thank you so much for sharing your good news story. It is vital that people do not put off getting help and medical advice and as your story so clearly illustrates all the worrying and angst could be something much less sinister.

    Enjoy and get the champagne popping. xx


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