Constant nausea

  • 13 replies
  • 316 subscribers


I started my first EC chemo on 8th Feb following mastectomy at Xmas. I still have constant nausea despite taking the prescribed Metoclopramide 10mg up to 3 times a day. I have needed to use Gaviscon double action also but neither are taking the nausea away fully. 
Does anyone know what else I could try please? 

  • Hi Alfie24 welcome to the forum and I am so sorry to hear how awful you are feeling. Sadly one of the side effects, as im sure you know of chemo is this horrible feeling of nausea. Rather then trying to try something else for this it might be better to have this conversation with the chemo team as they can prescribe for you and offer advice specific to you and the type of chemo you are having.  Can you give them a call in the am rather then trying to put up with this?


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  • Thank you Granny59 good advice and that was my next move in the morning. 
    I can cope with some nausea but it’s 24/7 and I cannot lie down at night for ages with discomfort. 

    Alfie 24

  • ask if they can get akynzeo?

    , it is one tablet on the day, and i didnt really need anything else, they don’t offer usually because its v expensive Slight frown

  • Thanks Djct, worth asking ThumbsupHugging

    Alfie 24

  • I found taking omeprazole, two tablets, one am and one pm, reduced the nausea sensation. I also took the metaclopromide too x

  • Hi Anna12345, I take Lansoprazole 30mg daily but I may start taking Omeprazole twice daily instead as well as Metaclopramide. I will speak to my GP and Relaxed️ x

    Alfie 24

  • Hi Alfie. I'm so sorry to hear how awful you've been feeling. Did you have any medications beforecyour EC? I had steroids, ondansetron, aprepitant and metaclopramide an hr before my EC and was given other meds to take over the following 3 days at home, and while the medication caused dreadful constipation, I had practically no nausea to speak of. My oncologist told me there is absolutely no reason for anyone undergoing chemo to suffer through nausea. I was given contact numbers and told to use them if I had breakthrough nausea so that my medication could be adjusted. Pleaee contact your team and insist on speaking to someone who can prescribe something appropriate for you. I know I couldn't cope with prolonged nausea so I pray it is sorted out for you soon. God blessHugging

  • Hi Andypandy, thank you for your message Hugging

    I have a f/u telephone appt with my Oncologist arranged for lunch time tomorrow (Tuesday 21st) so will discuss this with him. 
    I was not given any medication other than Akynzeo to take before I left home for my Chemo. They have given this to me again ready to take for my next Chemo on 29th. 
    I can’t cope with this nausea much longer so I will be pleased to discuss this tomorrow.

    Thanks again. Sending big hugs Hugging x

    Alfie 24

  • i took the Akynzeo wheni got to unit, so 15-30 mins prior to chemo, AC (red devil) the they also gave me the metaclopramide if needed, inad a couple days where stomach felt squiffy, but otherwise felt ok, and lucky.

    be sure to drink water, i drank at least 1.5 litres a day as solution to pollution is dilution, also had some sports drinks at hand for hydration. hope the akynzeo works

    akso had heartburn for awhile but my primary gave me some tablets that helped, its very stressful period so evengot lorazepam 


  • Sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell.  I had extreme nausea  after my first round of chemo, docetaxil Carboplatin and phesgo.  I called the hotline number given to me as it was a Sunday and they emailed a prescription for ondansetron to my local pharmacy.  I didn’t have any further nausea problems throughout the remainder of my treatments.  Hope you get it sorted quickly. Xx